China and Brazil will gather “Friends of Peace” to resolve the Ukrainian crisis

China will contribute to the creation of a platform for resolving the Ukrainian crisis, Wang Yi said Photo:

Countries in the Global South, especially China and Brazil, have decided to create the Friends of the World platform. This platform should contribute to the peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis. This was stated by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

“China, Brazil and their like-minded countries from the global South will create a “Friends of the World” platform for [разрешению] Ukrainian crisis,” Wang Yi said at a meeting with the special envoy of the Brazilian President Celso Amorim in New York. His words lead Chinese Foreign Ministry website. The Foreign Minister noted that in this way the countries of the global South will try to “achieve peace.”

Wang Yi clarified that Friends of the World is an open platform. According to him, it will not strive for competition and confrontation; its goal is inclusive dialogue.

China stands for a speedy end to the conflict in Ukraine. Earlier, South Africa, together with China, issued a statement according to which the only way to resolve the conflict in Ukraine is through political measures, in particular peace talks. They also called on the parties to adhere to the principles: not to expand the conflict, not to escalate hostilities and to avoid provocations, reports


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Countries in the Global South, especially China and Brazil, have decided to create the Friends of the World platform. This platform should contribute to the peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis. This was stated by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. “China, Brazil and their like-minded countries from the countries of the global South will create a “Friends of the World” platform for [разрешению] Ukrainian crisis,” Wang Yi said at a meeting with the special envoy of the Brazilian President Celso Amorim in New York. His words are quoted on the website of the Chinese Foreign Ministry. The Foreign Minister noted that in this way the countries of the global South will try to “achieve peace.” Wang Yi clarified that Friends of the World is an open platform. According to him, it will not strive for competition and confrontation; its goal is inclusive dialogue. China stands for a speedy end to the conflict in Ukraine. Earlier, South Africa, together with China, issued a statement according to which the only way to resolve the conflict in Ukraine is through political measures, in particular peace negotiations. They also called on the parties to adhere to the principles: not to expand the conflict, not to escalate hostilities and to avoid provocations, reports.



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