The new property and deposit criteria for child benefit

The child benefit granted by OPECA to around 770,000 families is the only one of the other two “popular” benefits, such as the guaranteed income and the rent benefit, for which there are no assets criteria.

Under consideration

According to information from Sunday’s Free Press, what is being considered by the Ministry of Social Cohesion is to utilize the property criteria that apply to the other two benefits (guaranteed and rent) for the beneficiaries of the child benefit. In this case the criterion of the value of the real estate will be set at an amount between 90,000 euros and 120,000 euros. Another scenario is to set a higher property limit, as those with many children and those with three children, due to the size of their families, are very likely to exceed 120,000 euros in the value of their real estate.

In any case, the value of the real estate will increase according to the number of children. And here if the limit applicable to the other benefits is taken into account, the value of the real estate can be increased by 15,000 euros for each child, with a maximum of 195,000 euros or even 215,000 euros (for beneficiaries with 5 or 6 children) .

As for movable property, there will be a deposit limit and a special presumption (objective expense) for movable assets, such as I.X. and motorbikes, or even for pleasure craft (eg small inflatable boats).

In deposits, the limit may reach 25,000 euros depending on the children, while for cars a presumption of objective expenditure will be entered which can reach 20,000 euros depending on the size of the family.

The goal of the property criteria that the government decided to establish is to “cutter” beneficiaries who do not declare all their incomes in order to receive benefits, but at the same time have real estate of significant value and equally high deposits.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Social Cohesion, since the establishment of the property criteria, approximately 15%-20% of beneficiaries may be excluded from the allowance, i.e. 100,000 to 140,000 families with high real estate assets and deposits. At the same time, however, 80% of the beneficiaries will benefit, as they will receive increased benefits, mainly due to the internal change in the scales with the abolition of the third category benefit and its integration into the second category benefit.

The scales

From 1/1/2025, the child benefit of the first scale increases from 70 to 75 euros and to 45 euros for the second, while the third income scale of the child benefit is consolidated with the second. The allowance of the third scale from 28 euros per child increases to 45 per child and 90 euros for the third child and subsequent ones. The increase is 60.7% for those who were in the third income scale and will go to the second. For example, those who were in the third income category and received an allowance of 28 euros per month for a child will now receive 45 euros. Those who had two children and received 56 euros per month will now receive 90 euros, those who had three children and received 112 euros per month will now receive 180 euros, while with four children and an income of the third scale, from the 168 euros they receive today, they will receive 270 euros.

Four examples

Increases in child benefit from the merger of the third and second scales are accompanied by a 20% reduction in the income that will be taken into account for the payment of the benefit. The discount will be provided for those whose income is increased by employment rather than self-employment. A corresponding discount of 30% will apply to the income taken into account for housing benefit and guaranteed income. In practice, those who were missing out on child benefit or getting a lower amount will now get the benefit or move up a scale with a higher amount because a 20% lower income threshold will be taken into account. For example:

1 A family with two children and two working parents with an income of 32,000 euros today does not receive a benefit, because it exceeds the income limit of the category to which it belongs. From 2025, however, the income limit that will be taken into account will have a 20% discount and will be 25,600 euros, and they will receive the allowance which for the two children is 90 euros per month.

2 A family with an annual taxable income of up to 10,500 euros and one child gets a monthly allowance of 70 euros and with the increase will get 75 euros. With the same income and 2 children, he gets 140 euros and with the increase he will get 150 euros.

3 A family with an annual taxable income of 20,250 euros and one child receives a monthly benefit of 28 euros, which is abolished and from 2025 will receive the benefit of the second category, which is 45 euros per month. If she has two children, she will get 90 euros a month, up from 56 euros she gets now, and with three children she will get an allowance of 180 euros a month, up from 112 euros she gets now.

4 A family with an annual taxable income of 30,000 euros and two children receives a monthly allowance of 56 euros, which is abolished and from 2025 will receive the second category allowance, which is 90 euros per month. If she has three children, she will get 180 euros a month, up from 112 euros she gets now, and with four children she will get an allowance of 270 euros a month, up from 168 euros she gets now.

How much do they go up? the “guaranteed” and “housing”

Everyone will have increases, but the biggest ones will be those who receive the third category allowance and from 2025 they will receive the amounts of the second category.

Also, from 1/1/2025 the Minimum Guaranteed Income is further increased from 216 euros (basic amount) and 54 euros per child to 250 euros and 75 euros for each child respectively. The new amounts are 250 euros for the first member, 125 euros for each adult member and 75 euros for each minor. A couple with 2 minor children with no income will receive 525 euros, while they received 432 euros monthly.

The housing allowance (rent allowance) is also increasing, from 70 euros to 125 euros and 75 euros, depending on the income scale, with a 30% increase for each child. The new ceiling of the allowance will amount to 265 euros per month, from 210 euros it is now.


Annual income Monthly child benefit

for 2024

Increase in allowances

for 2025

With 1 child With 2 children With 3 children With 4 children With 1 child With 2 children With 3 children With 4 children
0 to 10,500 70 140 280 420 75 150 300 450
10.501 42 140 280 420 45 150 300 450
10.750 42 140 280 420 45 150 300 450
11.750 42 140 280 420 45 150 300 450
12.000 42 140 280 420 45 150 300 450
12.250 42 84 280 420 45 90 300 450
13.500 42 84 280 420 45 90 300 450
13.750 42 84 168 420 45 90 180 450
15.250 42 84 168 252 45 90 180 270
16.750 42 84 168 252 45 90 180 270
17.750 28 84 168 252 45 90 180 270
18.000 28 84 168 252 45 90 180 270
20.250 28 56 168 252 45 90 180 270
22.750 28 56 112 252 45 90 180 270
25.250 28 56 112 168 45 90 180 270
26.250 28 56 112 168 45 90 180 270
26.251 0 56 112 168 0 90 180 270
30.000 0 56 112 168 0 90 180 270
30.001 0 0 112 168 0 0 180 270
37.500 0 0 0 168 0 0 0 270
37.501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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