To hold a debate with the candidates of SYRIZA VIDEO

Christos Giannoulis proposed that SYRIZA should follow PASOK’s example and hold a debate between the candidate leaders.

“Because you asked me about his debate PASOKI definitely think that something similar should be done with his candidates SYRIZAin an even freer way. A step has been taken, I am not asking for spectacle, but for the essence.

Christos Giannoulis: What did he say about the debate?

Because the seriousness of whoever claims or who claims the leadership of SYRIZA… It is the last chance through seriousness, the emphasis on political speech, the lack of hypocrisy, fanaticism and hatred and the lack of the buffoons of the leader’s court who do not admit the self-evident…” the SYRIZA deputy said specifically, according to iefimerida.

Commenting on the latest positions of Alexis Tsipras, he said: “Tsipras is not Karamanlis, he intervenes many times, even with silence or distance, but always the statements he makes are based on a valuable platform that has no division.”

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