The formation of the TNI Cyber ​​Force took 7 years

Former Governor of Lemhannas Andi Widjajanto. (Antara/Genta Tenri Mawangi)

Defense expert Andi Widjajanto said that the formation of a cyber force as a separate force outside the TNI-AD, TNI-AL and TNI-AU might take up to seven years.

The Governor of the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) for the 2022-2023 period explained the stages of forming the new dimension, which included strengthening cyber units in each dimension, then forming a joint command led by a high-ranking three-star officer.

“When I was at Lemhannas, yes, it was a seven year evolution. Maybe it will start with strengthening cyber units at one star level in each dimension so that later there will be the formation of a joint command at three star level,” said Andi in Jakarta, Thursday (26/9 ).

He said that if the future government led by President Prabowo Subianto supports the discourse of establishing a cyber force, it is possible that the formation of a joint cyber command will occur during the 2024-2029 government period.

Apart from that, Andi continued that the conditions that must be met to form a cyber force are amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD 1945).

This is because the current 1945 Constitution only regulates three dimensions of the TNI, namely the TNI Army, TNI Air Force and TNI Navy.

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If this amendment is also realized during the Prabowo administration, Andi added, then the government and DPR must also revise related laws, such as the TNI Law, especially Article 8, Article 9 and Article 10, then the National Defense Law, and the National Resources Management Law. for National Defense.

Andi also added that the government and the DPR as lawmakers must also make specific laws regulating the defense and cyber sectors. “If you really want to accelerate the formation of a cyber force, like it or not, you have to amend the Constitution,” said the Senior Advisor to the Indonesian Laboratory 2045 (Lab 45).

According to him, so far the studies at Lemhannas have indeed led to the formation of a cyber force as a new arm of the TNI, considering that several countries, including Indonesia’s neighbors such as Singapore, have also made this a reality.

In Singapore, the cyber dimension was officially formed in October 2022 under the name Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS). “Then there is also China which has made cyber warfare and cyber forces its own specialty,” said Andi. (Ant/J-2)

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