Pelicot says he “couldn’t contain himself”

Pelicot says he “couldn’t contain himself”

AVIGNON, France (EFE).— Dominique Pelicot, who for years raped his wife both alone and in the company of other men whom he invited, while she was under the influence of drugs, recounted his practices as a compulsive rapist, even in one occasion when he had his grandchildren at home.

In his first statement before the Vaucluse Criminal Court (southeast of France), which has been trying him since last September 2, he explained why his grandchildren had remembered that day in which their grandmother, Gisele Pelicot, did not appear because He was sleeping all afternoon.

The main defendant acknowledged that that day he had once again stuffed his wife with anxiolytics and sexually abused her even though his grandchildren were at home. And he added that he no longer did it in similar circumstances due to the practical inconveniences it entailed.

He indicated that since he started drugging her in 2011, he raped her two or three times a week, first only by him and starting in 2013 with other men whom he invited home so that they could also do it.

In fact, 50 other men sit with him on the bench, 49 for having sexually abused Gisele Pelicot and one for having copied Dominique’s methods to drug his own wife and rape her in his company.

In the records that the police found in his house, it is noted that as the years went by there were more and more rapes recorded.

The main defendant denied having manipulated the other men who came to his house, that they had “perfect knowledge” of his way of acting and that they could not ignore that sexual relations with his wife were carried out without her consent.

“I didn’t put a rifle to their temples to make them come,” he stressed. They accepted it from the beginning. The only question they asked was how much do I have to put in?”

But on that last issue, Dominique insisted that there was never any money involved and that he did not force anyone.

He emphasized that “in no case” was Gisele an accomplice: “It was always done without her consent.”

This is an important aspect because some of those who sit in the dock have not acknowledged the violations and claim that they believed they were participating in a sexual game in which the husbands agreed.

Given the massive and repetitive nature of the rapes of Gisele Pelicot over almost ten years, one of the aspects that has remained most misunderstood is how she did not realize it.

One of the answers lies in the precautions her husband took, asking the other men not to make noise, to undress in another room before entering the room.

Furthermore, once the abuse was over, Dominique Pelicot cleaned Gisele’s private parts and put the same clothes on her so that she would not realize that she had been unconscious under the effects of anxiolytics.

She had realized that something was wrong with her, but she thought she was suffering from an early form of Alzheimer’s. She also had gynecological problems: regular heavy bleeding in the vagina and repeated inflammation in the cervix.

The accused, who testified at times between sobs, repeatedly tried to convince his daughter Caroline that he had not drugged her or raped her like his wife, as some photos of her naked and apparently asleep that the father kept in his files, and she doesn’t know where they came from.

“You’re lying,” the daughter replied twice, before leaving the courtroom, pointing out that she had to go vomit.

Dominique Pelicot has given different explanations about those photos that have contributed to raising doubts. On the one hand he stated that he had not taken them himself, but at another time he indicated that he did them to present the comparison between the mother and daughter to a man who was tempted to travel 200 kilometers to rape Gisèle.

Dominique’s lawyer, Beatrice Zavarro, wanted to make it clear that her client, although sick and tired, was present at today’s hearing, was cooperative and intends to speak and answer all the questions asked of him.

#Pelicot #couldnt
2024-09-27 04:40:47



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