The lesson of ’56 is that it is not advisable to fight against Russian aggression

According to Viktor Orbán’s political director, starting from 1956, the Hungarian government probably would not have done what Ukrainian President Zelenskyi did when Putin attacked him. Balázs Orbán about this in the Mandiner Strategy Department in his show spoke. According to him, military defense against Russia was irresponsible. Balázs Orbán responded to the criticism.

Mátyás Kohán, the Mandiner journalist, spoke about the lack of American aid during the 1956 revolution and war of independence, and that because of this, Washington could not use ’56 as an example when criticizing the attitude of the Hungarian government regarding the war in Ukraine. To this, Balázs Orbán said that, in his opinion, the lesson from this is: it is not advisable to resist in the event of a Russian military attack. „Pont ’Starting from 1956, we probably would not have done what President Zelenskiy did two and a half years ago, because it is irresponsible, because it seems that he took his country into a war of defense, so many people died, so many territories were lost. I’ll say it again: it’s their right, their sovereign decision, they could do it, but if they had asked us, we wouldn’t have advised them, becauseIn 56, it became what it became. Because we have learned that you have to be careful here and treat the very precious Hungarian lives with care. You can’t just throw them in front of others”cites Balázs Orbán of

We are sending questions on the matter to the Prime Minister’s Office. Among other things, we asked whether the Prime Minister’s political director stated the official position of the Hungarian government in the interview; would the Hungarian government abandon the country in the event of a Russian attack like the one that hit Ukraine. We also inquired whether the government of NATO member Hungary would not count on the help of the other member states of the defense alliance in such a situation. As soon as they respond, we will update our article.

Viktor Orbán before the closed meeting of Fidesz politicians and supporters in Kötcs on September 7, 2024, Balázs Orbán in the background

Balázs Orbán mentions wartime propaganda press and pro-war lying

The prime minister’s political director on his social page As Hungary’s position, he writes that the Ukrainian-Russian war that has been going on for more than two and a half years, in which hundreds of thousands of people have died, hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of territory has been lost, and a country has been destroyed – in his opinion, for nothing – is meaningless.

Balázs Orbán writes: the war should not have started, and it should have been ended diplomatically as soon as possible. Then he says: “To contrast the Hungarian heroes of 1956 with this current Hungarian position is a standard method of the foreign-funded propaganda press and pro-war politicians”. which he refuses.

Some demand the resignation of only the political director, while others also demand the resignation of the prime minister

“He also trampled the foundations of Hungarian constitutionalism and independence with his feet” – wrote on his social media page Peter Magyar about the words of the Prime Minister’s political director. THE Tisza Party according to its president, Balázs Orbán went beyond all limits with these sentences. The opposition politician believes that after this, Balázs Orbán will not can hold a public office alongside the prime minister, he must leave before October 23.

A Democratic Coalition according to its president, Balázs Orbán’s statement means that the Orbán government “not its guardian, but its traitor” Hungarian independence, “not freedom fighters (…) but Russian agents” – posted it on Facebook Ferenc Gyurcsány. According to him, Viktor Orbán has only one option left after this: to leave.

A Jobbik Conservatives according to Balázs Orbán must leave political life.

That’s how he sees it MSZP co-chairman, Imre Komjáthi is. “Would the Prime Minister’s political director be waiting for the Russian armies with open doors? Would the government that calls itself national and sovereign hand over Hungary and the Hungarian people to Putin’s armies?” – he asks on his social media page the opposition member of parliament. According to him, Balázs Orbán is a traitor, there is no explanation for his statements, he should resign from all his posts.

“Viktor Orbán’s political director, Balázs Orbán, is a mess speaks” – he wrote László Toroczkai, a Our country its president X-in. In addition, according to him “difficult to interpret” what Balázs Orbán wanted to say. He announced that, according to his party, the heroes of 1956 taught that Hungary’s independence must be defended against all external attacks. He added that, in his opinion, Hungary’s sovereignty is currently threatened not by Russia, but by the United States of America and the European Union.

“We would occupy Brussels, but we would not defend here…” – wrote on his Facebook page In response to Balázs Orbán’s words Analyst Gábor Török. He put it this way: this seems to him to be the biggest political mistake of the year (“even if it’s not a mistake to think this anyway, but saying this as a politician is a pretty high ball”).

“This is indefensible, but I could also say that it was a catastrophic sentence” – he said Tibor Attila Nagy political analyst a Hungarian Voice. According to Nagy, the fact that all this happened less than a month before October 23 makes the situation worse. On the whole, according to him, Balázs Orbán can say goodbye to some of his state jobs, more precisely, the analyst finds it difficult to imagine Balázs Orbán staying in his position in a government that called itself the spiritual heir of 1956 and anti-communist.

“The revolution and freedom struggle of 1956 cannot be compared with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine” – reacted to Balázs Orbán’s sentences a Schmidt Mariadirector of the House of Terror Museum. According to him, the two Russian attacks should not be compared because in 1956 the defending Hungarians did not receive support from the USA and NATO.
“We are still a nation of freedom fighters!” he wrote to Telex Schmidt Maria.



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