SICT stops regulation of entry to airports

SICT stops regulation of entry to airports

MEXICO CITY.— The Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) suspended the reform project that would regulate the operation of applications mobility as Uber y DiDi, in airports after pressure from taxi drivers.

The project sought to allow on-demand transportation platforms to pick up passengers in federal zones, which was rejected by traditional taxi drivers.

Taxi drivers against Uber and Didi: SICT gives in to pressure so that they do not enter airports

In information published by The Financierit was detailed that, before noon on Friday, September 13, a group of representatives of taxi drivers from all over the country were received by the head of the SICT, Jorge Nuño Lara, to discuss the draft decree that would regulate the transportation service. through digital applications so that you sign as Uber o DiDi could board passengers at airports such as AICM and airports in the country.

After a couple of hours, the SICT abandoned its reform project to the Federal Motor Transport Regulations.

“There will be a analysis of the proposed reform, in order to implement improvements within it, generating greater benefits to the sector involved,” the SICT reported in its request to deregister the project registered with the National Commission for Regulatory Improvement (Conamer).

Taxis, a millionaire market in Mexico

The on-demand transportation market through digital platforms is an important producer of resources.

It is estimated that this business in Mexico will close the year with income that would exceed 2 thousand 350 million dollarswith around 40.56 million usersthis according to data from the consulting firm Statista.

However, despite the size of the market for this business, the government chose to suspend changes to federal motor transportation regulations.

Licensed taxi drivers from CDMX and Cancún, in illegal agreements with airports

The above despite the fact that on several occasions the licensed taxi drivers that operate in airports such as Mexico City and Cancun have been investigated and sanctioned by the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Coffee) for celebrating illegal agreements with airports and impose barriers to the entry of new competitorswhich has generated undue charges and monopolistic practices that affect users.

What did the SICT reform propose?

The government intended to regulate the taxi service by application through a series of requirements such as medical examination and a permit so that drivers could pick up tickets at the air terminals and ports of the country, which was rejected by taxi drivers, who accused that they comply with stricter requirements and high fees to operate in federal zones.

Director of the AICM, of Sedena, says that it is illegal for app taxis to take tickets at airports

A complaint from taxi drivers forced action against transportation applications.

“It’s not that they won’t be allowed to work here, but that there is a federal bridge and motor transportation law, that establishes the elements so that a person can explore a federal zone.

The friends of the platforms They want to take the ticket at the gates (of the airport), which it is not within the law”, assured José Rivera Parga Director of the AICM.

The law establishes that land transportation must have federal license plates for access to ports and airports, in addition to the fact that the driver must have a federal license and undergo a medical examination to support them.

#SICT #stops #regulation #entry #airports
2024-09-26 23:59:09



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