Paraguay and Taiwan renew cooperation for the development and strengthening of MSMEs

Asunción, IP Agency.- During the National Forum, the Vice Minister of MSMEs, Gustavo Giménez, together with the ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), José Chih-Cheng Han, announced the renewal of the FoMipymes program, reaching the fund of USD 10 million, in order to promote the digital transformation and competitiveness of Paraguayan micro, small and medium-sized companies.

During the panel “The cooperation of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to strengthen MSMEs in Paraguay”, the Taiwan ambassador to Paraguay, together with the Vice Minister of MSMEs, highlighted the achievements achieved in the last four years of cooperation, as well as as the new goals set for this expanded phase of the program.

Vice Minister Gustavo Giménez indicated that cooperation with the Asian country also allowed the specialized training in Taiwan of four Paraguayan technicians, two of whom have already completed their training, while the other two are in the process of preparing to implement innovations. digital in the country’s FoMipymes.

“We are very happy to be able to reaffirm our commitment to working together with Taiwan, the help they are giving us and the projection we have. The support we are receiving is first class,” said Giménez.

It is worth mentioning that the expansion of this collaboration will not only facilitate MSMEs’ access to new technologies, but will also contribute to improving their competitiveness in the national and international market.

The ambassador of Taiwan, José Chih-Cheng Han, for his part, reiterated his country’s commitment to continue supporting the economic development of Paraguay through initiatives that promote innovation and progress of MSMEs, considered fundamental pillars for growth. inclusive and equitable of the country.

He noted that with the Government of Paraguay, a new approach was taken to support MSMEs in Paraguay, focusing on technology and innovation, such as the use of 3D design software and the internet.

Likewise, he commented that MSMEs are crucial for employment and social stability in the country, and good results are expected to be achieved through joint work.

#Paraguay #Taiwan #renew #cooperation #development #strengthening #MSMEs
2024-09-26 23:35:24



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