The Argentine Justice notifies Interpol about the request for the arrest of Nicolás Maduro

Buenos Aires, Sep 25 (EFE).- An Argentine judge notified this Wednesday the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) of the capture request waged against the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in a case for possible crimes against humanity processed in Argentine courts, reported sources of the complaint.

Federal judge Sebastián Ramos issued a letter addressed to Interpol, which he requested to “urgently collect” the “information that allows the identification” of Maduro; of the Minister of Interior Relations, Justice and Peace of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, and other members of the Venezuelan Executive with an arrest warrant.

In a statement, the Argentine Forum for the Defense of Democracy (FADD), the plaintiff in the case, urged Interpol to “process the red alerts so that the perpetrators of these crimes are arrested and that there can be justice for the victims.” .

Last Monday, the Federal Chamber instructed Judge Ramos to “arrange via Interpol the international capture for purposes of extradition to the Argentine Republic” of Maduro, Cabello and other Venezuelan officials to be tried in Argentina for alleged crimes against humanity.

In its ruling, the Federal Chamber considered that the leadership of the Venezuelan Government has executed “a systematic plan, over time and in an organized manner” against the civilian population in Venezuela, through practices of “persecution, kidnapping, torture and murder”.

The case being processed in Argentine courts began in January 2023 due to a complaint filed by the FADD based on the principle of universal jurisdiction that allows countries to prosecute serious crimes against human rights regardless of where they were committed and nationality. of those responsible or their victims.


#Argentine #Justice #notifies #Interpol #request #arrest #Nicolás #Maduro
2024-09-26 23:22:22



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