It is said that instinct is superior to intelligence in the human species, just as pragmatism is more powerful than luck; All this is very beautiful, but this must be reinforced with self-discipline and will so that it invites us to become more creative and at the same time be more assertive of our own will and not allow others to think for us; the same instinct comes with ideas without allowing ourselves to be herded like a herd, to let go or to listen to a warning that Charles Chaplin left us. “Narrow-minded people cannot understand complex topics that are beyond their understanding.” or as President Clinton once told Obama “Maybe you have some will, the problem is that you don’t know how to do it; This is a bit like governments that don’t get their foot in the door and do everything unfinished, a serious mistake because if a person has power it is because they have talent, but logic says that to be successful in all fields you have to surround yourself with people who intellectually he is better trained than one; It occurs to me that this was the policy of General Juan Vicente Gómez, according to history of course seeking the positive part of his mandate that was not healthy for democracy.

Therefore I continue with the instinct that inspires me that in our country everything that comes is good for everyone and the conditions are all there to enjoy and grow our riches with which we were endowed and make the greatest effort not to diminish them. working more, talking and fighting less, maintaining very good relations with the productive countries and distancing ourselves from those who remain, neither produce nor let them produce and practice the law of least effort with a face of “I sold in cash with a smile and a full belly to eat.”

According to Dio Sáez he told us “that the game of fear to dominate the social herd is seen every day and few manage to realize it” This must be avoided with talent and peacefully, just as we must do things intelligently and avoid a message that Seneca left us for a good understander in a few words. “I quote” the day when man becomes superior to pleasure he will also become superior to pain; Let us not forget that what is done with love always happens beyond good and evil.

Now more than ever the countryside is the solution, all united for peace, coexistence, respect and prosperity of our country.



September 26, 2024.

2024-09-26 23:20:22



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