Baur terminates logistics employees in Sonnefeld

The shipping and logistics company Baur has laid off 165 employees for operational reasons. There is “no possibility of continued employment” for them, explains a spokesman for the group of companies. The reason is therefore an unexpected step.

The German economy has experienced much more brilliant times. A number of players are currently struggling with the adversities in their industry. The shares of the Central Franconian automotive supplier Schaeffler recently fell to their lowest level ever. The industrial giant Bosch Rexroth has meanwhile announced that it will cut around 240 jobs – the move primarily affects one location in Lower Franconia. There is also a drastic job cut in Upper Franconia: The Baur Group is separating from 165 employees at its logistics location in Sonnefeld (Coburg district).

The company, based in Burgkunstadt (Lichtenfels district), explains in a statement that there is “no possibility of continued employment” for the affected employees “It was with great regret that their employment relationship had to be terminated for operational reasons.” According to the company, the decisive factor for the measure was the sudden withdrawal of a business partner.

Baur loses important cooperation – This is what happens next for the affected employees in Sonnefeld

“Logistics processing for a well-known multi-channel trading company started in Sonnefeld last year,” explains Baur press spokesman Stefan Gagel. Baur-Logistik took on the role of a subcontractor. “In April, the client informed us that the cooperation would be terminated immediately and immediately.” This eliminated the quantities that Baur had to process.

To the video “Germany’s best employers: These Franconian companies are particularly attractive”

And what’s next for the departing 165 employees of the mail order company and service provider? “In the discussions that have been going on since the beginning of June, the employer and employee sides set the key points for a socially acceptable design of the changes at the Sonnefeld location,” reports Gagel. This involved topics such as social selection, severance pay and the content of a volunteer program for the relevant employees.

On August 8th, the employees at the Sonnefeld location were informed about the essential contents of the social plan and reconciliation of interests. “For the vast majority of affected employees, operational dismissals were announced as of December 31, 2024,” said the Baur spokesman. Employees with longer individual notice periods left the company next year.

Mail order company from Upper Franconia will celebrate its 100th birthday next year

Baur-Versand was founded in 1925 – its 100th birthday is coming up next year. The Upper Franconian company has been a member of the globally active Otto Group since 1997. As of February 29, 2024, the Baur Group said it had around 4,000 employees at its locations in Upper Franconia and Austria.

In the first half of the past financial year, the online retailer and service provider suffered a slight drop in sales. According to the self-reported information, the group’s net external sales in the 2023/24 financial year were 841 million euros.

The operator of the Coburg city dairy is now possibly facing ruin. The trigger was a fire on the A73. “There’s nothing that can be done,” says the businessman after an important new purchase falls victim to a fire. Further news from Coburg and the surrounding area can be found in our local section.



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