Eferdinger Spedition KMC is bankrupt

The forwarding company KMC is insolvent, as the creditor protection associations KSV1870, AKV and Creditreform announced. Seven employees and around 550 creditors are affected by the insolvency of the Eferdingen company. The liabilities amount to 792,000 euros, the assets 316,000 euros. The company was founded in 2017 and is purely a freight forwarding company without its own vehicles. Around 90 percent of sales were achieved with ten fixed clients. The applicant has commissioned the transport from transport companies. According to information in the bankruptcy filing, sales figures have collapsed as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. In addition, the massively increased costs could not be passed on to the clients to the necessary extent. They also had to contend with bad debts and a massive decline in customer payment behavior. There are no plans to continue the company.



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