This is what the weather will be like on election Sunday

For the eastern Alpine region, Geosphere Austria predicts high pressure influence in a northwesterly flow, which initially causes dense clouds and light precipitation along the northern side of the Alps, which subsides during the day.

Otherwise, the day of the National Council election will be sunny, at times cloudy with cumulus clouds. It is doubtful that the weather has a significant impact on voter turnout. This is what political consultant Thomas Hofer thinks, for example. “This influence is somewhat overestimated,” he said in an interview. Dealing with elections is now far more pragmatic than it was decades ago, especially in times of postal voting. Hofer believes that those people who don’t vote because of the weather usually wouldn’t do so anyway. This time, however, the areas affected by flooding could be an exception. Some people there currently have “other worries”.

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Am Sunday In any case, the snowfall limit hovers around 1,500 meters, the wind blows moderately, briskly in the east from northwest to north. The early temperatures reach three to eleven degrees, the daily maximum temperatures twelve to 17 degrees.

Before that, however, a cold front hits the country: On Freitag It causes widespread dense clouds and rain showers. The focus of precipitation will initially be in the south and southeast, and in the afternoon over the western parts of the country. There are chances of sunshine, especially south of the main Alpine ridge, during the second half of the day. With the sunny breaks, the risk of local thunderstorms increases. The wind in the south sometimes blows moderately to briskly from the south, otherwise often only weakly from the west. After ten to 18 degrees in the morning, temperatures reach 15 to 25 degrees during the day; the warmest temperatures are in southern Styria and southern Burgenland.

The influence of the disturbance remains Saturday still determines the weather for large parts of Austria. Especially in the northern part of the Alps as well as in East Tyrol and Upper Carinthia, it often rains when the snow line drops between 1,700 and 2,000 meters above sea level. A few rain showers can still fall everywhere else. The sun only appears a little, more often in the flatlands of the east and in the southeast. The wind is blowing weak to moderately from westerly directions. The early temperatures are seven to 17 degrees, the daily maximum temperatures are eleven to 20 degrees.

Election Sunday is followed by on Montag a warm front that will move over Austria during the day and weaken as it does so. With high cloud cover from the west, fog or high fog will persist in valleys and basins until the morning. It will be mostly cloudy or overcast across the country until the afternoon. In addition, rain spreads from Vorarlberg to the Salzkammergut, but at the same time it subsides somewhat. Moderate winds usually blow from east to south, with early temperatures of one to six degrees – it is already slightly frosty in the inner Alps – and maximum daily temperatures of 13 to 21 degrees.

Another disturbance reaches the Eastern Alpine region on Tuesday with thick clouds and rain between Vorarlberg and the Waldviertel. In the southeast there will be no precipitation for the time being. There is a revival of wind from southern directions on the eastern edge of the Alps; with disturbances the wind comes from the west. The early temperatures range between two and eight degrees, the daily maximum temperatures between twelve and 20 degrees.

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