Penny customer outraged by pieces of blue plastic in his food

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A Penny customer was amazed when he cut up his sausage. Suddenly something blue plastic poked out of it.

Munich – No matter how well food production is controlled and runs under strict hygiene regulations, there are always exceptional items on the internet that document that something has probably gone wrong. This could be mold in a package of cheese that is far from reaching its best-before date. Or even a cloth in a chip packet that actually has no place there. Also Some customers have already found dead animals in their food. Now a customer at Rewe discovered something in the meat sausage he bought that definitely didn’t belong there.

Penny customer shares sausage photo with strange blue object in it

In a photo in the subreddit r/WerWieWhat, a user shared a photo of the meat sausage with the question “What is that in my meat sausage?” It shows: A normal-looking meat sausage with a strange, bright blue content that came out when it was cut. He also published a photo of the original packaging – Penny poultry sausage 500g.

Did a piece of hygiene equipment get lost here?

In the comments, users have several theories. “It looks like a hygiene glove,” says someone. Another person is of the opinion: “It looks like the packaging of something got involved in the production process.” A user explains: “Blue color is deliberately chosen for objects (plasters, gloves, etc.) because it stands out. In this case, almost unnecessary. Tap glove, hair cap or something similar.” In fact, hoods, disposable gloves and also gowns that have a striking blue color and are used for hygiene are worn in production.

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“Afraid it will bite?”: Users demand clarification

What exactly it is, however, cannot be clarified in the end, as the post creator does not provide any further information. The people in the comments also find this disappointing: “Why are you asking us (…) to inspect the whole thing instead of just taking the part out of the sausage and looking? Are you afraid it’ll bite or what’s going on?” one asks. Someone else gives the tip: “Take it out of the sausage and pull it apart, maybe there will be a label on it.” One user also advises sending the picture to the manufacturer, who is noted on the packaging.

Whatever it is – in this case the sausage is probably no longer edible. A Reddit-User therefore at least tries with humor: “Bit more than just microplastics this time.” Another customer also recently made a disgusting discovery – but it was an unwanted animal addition. (jh)



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