Experts talk about the reasons for Egypt’s support for Somalia and the importance of sending Egyptian forces

He pointed out that this support is in line with the purposes of the United Nations Charter, especially Article 1, which calls for the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of friendly relations between nations.

Dr. Mahran explained that sending Egyptian forces to Somalia comes within the framework of international efforts to combat terrorism and achieve stability in the Horn of Africa, in light of the increasing global challenges, noting that cooperation between countries in the field of security and development has become a vital matter, considering that the Egyptian role in Somalia represents A role model in this regard.

He also pointed out that this support is consistent with the relevant Security Council resolutions, especially Resolution 2628 of 2022, which calls on member states to support Somalia in facing security challenges, indicating that there are several strategic motives for Egypt to support Somalia, the most prominent of which is strengthening Egyptian national security through the stability of the Horn region. Africa, protecting Egyptian interests in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab, as well as strengthening Egypt’s regional and international role as an effective force in peacekeeping.

Mahran stressed the legal importance of this support, saying: The presence of Egyptian forces in Somalia is based on solid legal foundations, as this came based on an official invitation from the Somali government, which respects the principle of national sovereignty, in addition to Egypt’s commitment to security and military cooperation agreements with Somalia.

The international expert pointed out that the Egyptian role in Somalia contributes to strengthening the capabilities of the Somali security forces and supporting efforts to combat terrorism, in addition to helping to rebuild Somali state institutions, adding that this support also enhances Egypt’s position as a reliable partner in peacekeeping efforts. and regional security.

Mahran considered that the continued Egyptian support for Somalia is a model of effective international cooperation, calling on the international community to support and strengthen these efforts to ensure the stability of the region in the long term.

The professor of international law stressed the importance of preventive diplomacy, stressing that Egypt’s support for Somalia is a form of preventive diplomacy that aims to prevent the outbreak of conflicts and enhance stability, stressing that this approach is consistent with the trends of contemporary international law towards preferring peaceful and preventive solutions over subsequent military interventions.

Egyptian political science expert Hassan Salama said, in his statements to RT, that Egyptian military support for Somalia comes based on an official request from the Somali side submitted by the Somali president, and the security assistance provided to them goes in two important directions. The first is bilateral cooperation between the armed forces of the two countries and includes Training programs to raise the efficiency and capabilities of the Somali army, and the second direction is linked to the peacekeeping forces of the African Union with the participation of lightly armed Egyptian forces to ensure the maintenance of security and humanitarian aid.

In his speech, the political science professor stressed that Egyptian military support is not directed against anyone and does not aim at war with other regional parties, but rather Egypt aims to support Somalia in light of security challenges related to the threat of terrorist organizations, securing the Red Sea region, and this is consistent with the determinants of Egyptian foreign policy based on Supporting national institutions in countries facing conflicts in order to preserve their unity and sovereignty, which is a consistent Egyptian policy towards Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and Syria.

He continued: The security threats to which Somalia is exposed may make military cooperation between the two countries limitless and reach the maximum possible extent, especially since there is a joint defense agreement between the two countries and respect for the rules of international law, and this support increases in periods of crises, and Somalia is currently facing a security crisis due to the continued The presence of Ethiopian forces on its territory.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry announced the arrival of a shipment of Egyptian military aid to the Somali capital, Mogadishu, for the Somali army, with the aim of supporting and building its capabilities.

A statement by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said, “This equipment comes within the framework of Egypt’s support for Somalia’s efforts to achieve security and stability, combat terrorism, and preserve its sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity.”

Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ambassador Tamim Khallaf, explained that “Egyptian military aid to Somalia comes within the framework of implementing Egypt’s obligations under the recently signed military cooperation protocol with Somalia.”

A new Egyptian military aid ship arrived in the capital, Mogadishu, in a new development on the sidelines of the escalating crisis between Egypt and Ethiopia in Somalia.

The Somali Defense Minister, Abdelkader Nour, received the Egyptian ship upon its arrival at the port of Mogadishu, praising Cairo’s position in support of his country.

Egyptian support for Somalia comes within the framework of the joint defense agreement signed between the two countries last August, and signed by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his Somali counterpart, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

Source: RT

#Experts #talk #reasons #Egypts #support #Somalia #importance #sending #Egyptian #forces
2024-09-26 19:33:24



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