The Council of State suspends the permit for the transformation of the Récollets in Nivelles

2024-09-26 17:38:23

The Lixon company purchased three wings of the former convent in 2017 from the City of Nivelles. The building, which is not listed, was then disused. The project plans to renovate two wings, the west wing and the “provincial quarter”, while respecting the existing architecture and current dimensions. The south wing, however, must be demolished and rebuilt into a contemporary building to accommodate housing.

The municipal council of Nivelles granted a planning permit to the developer last February. The file is also the subject of opposition from local residents and heritage protection associations. The organization “Les Amis des Récollets” turned to the Council of State, which decided to suspend the planning permit.

In its decision of 25 September, it states that the motivation for the permit does not “sufficiently” show that the City of Nivelles has taken into consideration the heritage interest presented by the former Récollets convent “as an inseparable whole”, formed by the church and the convent buildings, “in particular in its architectural and historical dimension”.

The authorities may also take into account the heritage interest of the building if it is emblematic of a district or a city, “including when it is not listed”, the ruling adds.

“Les Amis des Récollets”, who are calling for the permit to be cancelled, are now asking that the real estate project be thoroughly revised and “adapted to the heritage requirements of the site”. They hope that the new Minister of Heritage Valérie Lescrenier and the municipal authorities of Nivelles will take note of this decision by the Council of State.

#Council #State #suspends #permit #transformation #Récollets #Nivelles



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