Philippines develops new rice variety that contains less sugar and helps prevent diabetes – Taiwan Awakening News Networks

A Philippine research team has developed a new variety of rice with low sugar and high protein to provide healthier dietary choices for diabetics. (Photo by Sergei A on Pexels under CC License)

[Comprehensive report by Taiwan Wake News reporter Zhuang Yuqin]Diabetics can eat rice with confidence! A Philippine research team has developed a new variety of rice that not only contains nutritional genes for low sugar and high protein, but can even replace white rice as the staple food. However, experts stress that even though white rice has a high glycemic index, sugary drinks and ultra-processed foods are the main risk factors for diabetes.

Develop new varieties of rice

The Guardian” reported that the Philippine International Rice Research Team conducted a ten-year study. They screened 380 seed samples from the world’s largest rice gene bank to identify genetic markers with low sugar index and high protein content, and classified these seeds into Combined to form “inbred lines” (which naturally do not accept pollen from other plants), they eventually developed rice that is healthier for diabetes.

According to statistics, more than 537 million adults worldwide suffer from diabetes, with type 2 diabetes being the most common. For patients who are overweight, have genetic factors, and lack exercise, if the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin, too much glucose will be left in the blood, which can easily lead to type 2 diabetes.

Ness, chief scientist of the International Rice Research Institute, said that if people can develop a low-sugar food crop, it will become a better dietary choice for diabetics and potential patients to prevent the disease, and this new rice varieties and have a significant impact on rice consuming countries in Asia and Africa.

Major Risks of Diabetes

WION” reported that the International Rice Research Institute plans to distribute new varieties of rice to farmers in Asian and African countries as soon as 2025. This variety is similar to white rice but has smaller grains. Currently, the research team has released two low-glycemic index rice varieties in the Philippines. For rice, they are IRRI 125 and IRRI 147 respectively.
In fact, the Asia-Pacific region accounts for more than 90% of global rice production and consumption, and more than 60% of diabetics live in these regions. Although new rice varieties can replace high-glycemic white rice, there are still other risks of diabetes.

Terry, a nutritional epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina, warned that sugary drinks and ultra-processed foods are the main risk for diabetes compared with the sugar in rice. In this regard, she believes that governments should tax sugary drinks and ultra-processed foods and mandate warning labels on packaging to truly effectively prevent diabetes.



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