Today’s weather in Cuba, according to meteorologists José Rubiera and Elier Pila

This Tuesday, September 24, the weather in Cuba will be marked by the presence of a wide area of ​​low pressure in the Caribbean Sea, which could become a tropical depression or even a tropical cyclone in the next 24 hours.

This was reported by meteorologists José Rubiera and Elier Pila, who have issued alerts about the conditions that could mainly affect western and central Cuba.

Heavy rains in western and central Cuba

According to the meteorologist Elier PilaThe most worrying element at the moment is the rain, which has already been felt in some regions in the south of the island, such as the Isla de la Juventud and the Los Canarreos archipelago. These precipitations are expected to intensify as the day progresses, mainly affecting the southern coast of the western region and the centre of the country.

The rains will be more abundant in the afternoon and evening hours, and could become strong and intense in some localities, especially in the western region of Cuba.

Possible formation of tropical cyclone

Meteorologist José Rubiera has also warned that this low pressure zone in the Caribbean has a high probability of becoming a tropical storm and even a hurricane, if conditions are favorable. Although the system has not yet developed a defined circulation center, meteorological models indicate that it could follow a trajectory toward the Gulf of Mexico, which would bring it closer to the western part of Cuba.

Storm surge and coastal flooding

In addition to the rains, storm surges are expected on the southern coast of the west and center of the country, with danger for small boats. Rubiera indicated that the waves could increase considerably, affecting low-lying areas of the Yucatan coast in Mexico and western Cuba. The storm surges could also cause coastal flooding in the most vulnerable areas.

Both Pila and Rubiera have urged The population is urged to stay informed about the evolution of the system, given that, although it is still disorganized, it could intensify in the next few hours. Special caution is recommended in areas at risk of flooding, both due to rain and storm surge.

September 24 will be a day marked by meteorological instability in Cuba, with heavy rains, risk of storm surge and coastal flooding, and the possibility that the system in the Caribbean will evolve into a tropical cyclone.

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