Italy: Czech man broke Ai Wei Wei sculpture at the opening of an art exhibition

The large blue and white ‘Porcelain Cube’ was part of the exhibition ‘Who am I?’ opened at Bologna’s Palazzo Fava on Saturday.

Italian media reported that local police arrested a 57-year-old Czech man who said he was an artist. He has been known to target important works of art in the past.

It is not yet clear how the man gained access to Friday’s invitation-only event, but the museum confirmed that the exhibition opened to the public as planned on Saturday.

According to the wish of the artist, the fragments of the work were covered with a cloth and removed. They will be replaced by a life-size printout and a label explaining what happened.






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Ai shared CCTV footage of the attack on his Instagram account, which showed the man walking around the work before suddenly moving behind it and pushing it so that it broke on the gallery floor.

The man then held up a broken shard in a triumphant gesture before museum security blocked him, pulling him to the floor.

Check out this Instagram post.

This post was shared by Ai Weiwei (@aiww)

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