Less bureaucracy saves time and money – SPD parliamentary group

The Bureaucracy Reduction Act contains important relief measures for citizens and companies. These include, in particular, the shortening of the retention periods for accounting documents in tax and commercial law, the reduction of reporting and information obligations and the consistent advancement of digitalization. In the parliamentary process, further important, practical relief measures were added without reducing protective regulations for employees.

Sonja Eichwede, Legal policy spokesperson:

“Excessive bureaucracy is a burden on citizens and companies. It costs time, money, hinders growth and creates a poor working atmosphere in the country. With the fourth Bureaucracy Reduction Act, we are providing a remedy. We have worked closely with associations, companies and civil society in the parliamentary process. The result is practical and everyday regulations such as the digitization of employment contracts and commercial tenancy law.

In terms of its scope, the law clearly exceeds previous bureaucracy reduction laws. We see the large package as the starting signal for continuous bureaucracy reduction. In this sense, we will always question regulations and check procedures for potential improvements. As federal legislators, we see bureaucracy reduction as a joint government task, since many regulations are created at the state or EU level.”

Esra Limbacherresponsible rapporteur:

“With the Bureaucracy Reduction Act and other measures, we are sending a clear signal: We are serious about modernising our country and are putting a stop to unnecessary bureaucracy.

The shortening of the commercial and tax retention periods for accounting documents relieves the burden on the economy considerably, as resources are saved and bureaucratic costs are reduced. The decisive factor here is that tax crimes can continue to be effectively combated. To this end, the entry into force for companies supervised by the financial supervisory authority was postponed by one year in the parliamentary process. The limitation periods for tax crimes remain unchanged at 15 years.

Overall, reducing bureaucracy is an ongoing task that we will continue with an annual bureaucracy reduction law.”



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