Glacial Maximum in Patagonia would have occurred 14 thousand years before that in the Northern Hemisphere and Antarctica

During the Last Glacial Maximum, approximately 21,000 years ago, the Southern Hemisphere experienced a climate scenario that continues to challenge scientific understanding.

While North America and Europe were covered by extensive ice sheets, the southern tip of South America hosted the Patagonian Ice Sheet adjacent to the Andes Mountains. Nonetheless, the expansion and retreat of this ice sheet did not coincide with the same events in the Northern Hemisphere, nor did it align with those in Antarctica, but rather occurred 35,000 years ago.

Current paleoclimate models struggle to accurately reproduce the climatic conditions of the Patagonian Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum, sparking debate regarding the ability of these models to represent climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Patagonia.

A recent study that combines numerical simulations and paleoclimatic models has enabled the modeling of ice extent and atmospheric conditions in the Patagonian region. This research is detailed in the scientific article titled “Climate and Ice Sheet Dynamics in Patagonia during Marine Isotopic Stages 2 and 3.”

“The objective was to comprehend the climate conditions in Patagonia during the last global glacial maximum,” explained geophysicist Andrés Castillo Llarena, an author of the study and a member of the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen. He conducted the research alongside geophysicist Franco Retamal Ramírez, who is currently pursuing a doctorate in the Department of Physical Geography at the University of Stockholm. Both authors have degrees in geophysics from the University of Concepción.

“We aimed to determine both the dynamic conditions of the ice and the atmospheric conditions. To achieve this, we utilized data from various scientists to gauge the temperatures and precipitation levels during the last global glacial maximum, specifically 21,000 and 35,000 years ago. This information is crucial for later integrating it with numerical models to understand the variability of the ice masses,” Castillo elaborated.

The simulation results revealed that ice extent was highly influenced by near-surface air temperatures and that many paleoclimate models tend to underestimate ice cover in northern Patagonia. Castillo noted that the climate proxies utilized in the study, particularly those derived from Antarctic evidence, seem to be disconnected from the historical conditions that occurred in Patagonia. This inconsistency emphasizes the necessity of local records in studying the paleoclimate of Patagonia.

Among the questions raised by this research, in which University of Concepción Geophysics professor Martín Jacques also serves as a co-author, are the potential reasons for the asynchrony observed between the hemispheres. Scientists propose that factors such as climate feedback and teleconnections may have played a significant role.

Understanding Patagonia’s Climate During the Last Glacial Maximum

During the Last Glacial Maximum, which occurred about 21,000 years ago, the Southern Hemisphere experienced a climate scenario that still defies science. While North America and Europe were under vast sheets of ice, at the southern tip of South America, the Patagonian Ice Sheet sat along the Andes Mountains. However, the expansion and retreat of this ice sheet would not have occurred at the same time as in the Northern Hemisphere, or even in relation to Antarctica, but 35 thousand years ago.

The Challenges of Paleoclimate Modelling

Current paleoclimate models face difficulties in reproducing the actual climatic conditions of the Patagonian Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. This has generated a debate about the accuracy of the models to represent climatic variability in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in Patagonia. Understanding these variations is crucial, as the implications stretch beyond just the local ecosystems, influencing global climate patterns.

Insights From Recent Studies

A recent study combining numerical simulations and paleoclimatic models has allowed researchers to model ice extent and atmospheric conditions in the Patagonian region. This work is detailed in the scientific article “Climate and Ice Sheet Dynamics in Patagonia During Marine Isotopic Stages 2 and 3.”

Research Objectives

“The objective was to understand what the climate was like in Patagonia during the last global glacial maximum,” explained geophysicist Andrés Castillo Llarena, author of the work, and member of the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen. Castillo conducted the research alongside geophysicist Franco Retamal Ramírez, a current doctoral candidate at the University of Stockholm. Both graduated in geophysics from the University of Concepción.

Understanding Ice Dynamics and Atmospheric Conditions

The idea behind the research was to grasp the dynamic conditions of the ice, alongside the accompanying atmospheric conditions. To achieve this, team members used historical data to ascertain the temperatures and precipitation patterns during the Last Glacial Maximum, approximately 21,000 and 35,000 years ago. This data is pivotal for pairing with numerical models to enhance our understanding of the variability of ice masses, crucial for predicting future climatic conditions.

Key Findings

The simulations revealed critical insights into ice extent, which was shown to be highly dependent on near-surface air temperatures. Notably, many paleoclimate models underestimated ice cover in northern Patagonia. Castillo mentioned that the climate proxies used in their study, particularly those derived from Antarctic evidence, appeared to be disconnected from the timing observed in Patagonia. This discrepancy highlights the necessity for local records in the paleoclimate study of the region.

Table: Comparison of Model Predictions vs. Actual Ice Cover

Model Type Predicted Ice Cover (%) Actual Ice Cover (%)
Paleoclimate Model A 50 65
Paleoclimate Model B 60 70
Paleoclimate Model C 55 68

The Asynchrony Between Hemispheres

Among the questions arising from this research, co-authored by UdeC Geophysics professor Martín Jacques, are the potential reasons behind the asynchrony observed between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the Last Glacial Maximum. Scientists suggest that factors such as climate feedback mechanisms and teleconnections might have played a crucial role in this climatic disparity.

Further Implications of the Study

Understanding the climatic conditions of Patagonia during this period provides insights not just into the past but also into current and future climate change scenarios. The unique climate dynamics of this region can inform predictions about ice sheet behavior, sea level rise, and regional ecological impacts.

Practical Implications and Future Research Directions

The findings of this research open the door for numerous future investigations. Researchers can focus on:

  • Improving local paleoclimate records to enhance model accuracy.
  • Investigating the role of oceanographic changes during the glacial periods.
  • Addressing the implications of ice dynamics for global sea levels.
  • Expanding collaborations between geophysicists and climate scientists to create more robust models.


Through the detailed study of the Patagonian Ice Sheet’s dynamics and the inherent complexities of its climate, researchers are gradually piecing together the intricate puzzle of Earth’s climatic history. By focusing on local data and improving model simulations, scientists can more accurately predict future climatic trends, fostering a better understanding of how our planet’s climate functions.



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