Seine Maritime placed on yellow alert for storms


Eloise Aubé

Published on Sep 26, 2024 at 7:16 a.m.

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It had been announced for a few days. Storm Aïtor is hitting the country this weekend and the Seine-Maritime is not spared.

Météo France has just placed the department in yellow alertthis Thursday, September 26, 2024, due to many storms expected.

These should abound in the Normandy sky from 3 p.m., forecasters estimate. The stormy episode should end around 9 p.m.

Rain and gusts of wind

This Thursday, the sky will be overcast and rain will start to appear in the middle of the day. Although the rainfall totals will be less significant than for the departments placed on orange alert such as Jura, caution is still required, indicates Météo France.

The highest accumulations are expected in the departments placed on orange alert. In neighboring departments, there are no plans at this stage to extend the orange alert, but the evolution of the accumulations and their consequences must be closely monitored (…) occurring in a context of soils already very wet for the season

France Weather

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Of the gusts of wind will be able to climb up to 60 km/h at the end of the day in Rouen and Le Havre. As for the temperature, the thermometer will fluctuate between 12 degrees this morning and 19 degrees at the highest in the afternoon.

What is the weather like?

As the day progresses, this rainy axis will move towards the East where the precipitation will increase.

Although an improvement in the weather is expected in Normandy from this Saturday, the wind and rain will return from Sunday. In short, a short-lived lull.

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