“I want to recognize children” –

The boyfriend, now ex, of Chiara Petrolini, the girl who buried the bodies of her two newborn children in the garden of her house in Traversetolo, Parma, and who is therefore under investigation for murder and suppression of a corpse, says he is “stunned”, as if he had “ended up in a terrible movie”. “As soon as the procedures allow it, I would like to recognize my children, give them a name and organize a ceremony”, the boy – the biological father of the children – tells the Gazzetta di Parma through his lawyer, Monica Moschioni. Samiel, this is his name, says: “I still haven’t realized what happened. And above all, I no longer know who I knew, who Chiara was”

Chiara? Two people, the father of the children she babysat speaks

The lawyer representing him explains that the boy “just needs a moment of tranquility at this time” and says he cannot answer questions about the investigation, also because at this stage he does not have access to documents. The young man has communicated to the authorities his desire to recognize the children in the event of formal confirmation of paternity.

What have they talked about in two years?, Crepet and the responsibilities of the Parma case

“We have not yet received a copy of the order, we do not yet have a document that officially defines who is the father of the two children”, says Moschioni. As for the registration of the two deceased children, the Parma Prosecutor’s Office will send a communication to the municipality of Traversetolo that will start the process of registering the birth and death, with the simultaneous choice of names. If they are not decided by mutual agreement between the two families, the decision will fall to the Prosecutor’s Office. In the meantime, Chiara Petrolini will be questioned on Thursday. It is a concrete hypothesis that she may avail herself of the right to remain silent.

#recognize #children #Tempo
2024-09-26 09:36:08



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