HISTORICALLY, US stocks are an investment instrument with positive growth. In the last 100 years, US stocks have grown an average of 12% per year and 15% in the last 10 years. The US stock market as a whole has also shown strong performance. This makes it an attractive investment alternative for various types of investors.
“This illustrates the great prospects of US stocks as an alternative investment for the public. Hopefully, with the wider choice of investment, the public can encourage investment habits,” said Jesse Choi as Co-CEO of Reku.
Therefore, the crypto investment application in Indonesia is making its latest expansion through the launch of US stocks. Through the Reku application which is registered and supervised by regulators, investors can invest in US stocks starting from US$$1. Previously, the company provided a global asset class in the form of crypto assets since 2018 with more than 1 million investors.
As a US stock investment application, Reku partners with Pasar FX, an Indonesian futures brokerage company that has obtained a PALN license and an Alternative System Trading Participant from Bappebti. PasarFX as a member of JFX collaborates with Alpaca Securities LLC as a United States broker in transacting US stocks. Alpaca Securities is also registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to transact the sale and purchase of US stocks directly on the US stock market (NYSE and NASDAQ).
The US stock trading mechanism in the Reku application is carried out through the Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) and is guaranteed by KBI. In terms of legality, Reku users who have invested in US stocks can see their transactions and the amount of ownership directly on the system provided by JFX and KBI. (Z-2)
#Stocks #Grow #High #Invest #App