[Mafalda Horoscope]Gemini 09.25~10.01 – Mirror Media

2024.09.25 15:58 Taipei Time


[Mafalda Horoscope]Gemini 09.25~10.01

Big hits and big noises, new eyes. Although there are some twists and turns in your life, you will also receive the biggest blessing of the year: during this period of “Mortal Star Conjunction with Sun”, your aura will become stronger and your visibility will increase. You can be called the most discussed “topic person” among your peers. Not only are you domineering and confident, but you are also very scheming and strategic in dealing with people. You know how to capture people’s hearts and rely on your intuition to take a gamble. Fortunately, many people are expected to become popular quickly with heroic deeds or brave actions under the support of the trend, and make a name for themselves in one fell swoop. Career, emotional and wealth management are prone to gambler-like madness, betting everything and gambling on life. Times make heroes. Although the risk is extremely high, it is not without a chance of winning. Investment and financial management are a small bet for a big gain. Love is a great passion.

As the storm of the “lunar eclipse” in September is coming, and the storm of the “solar eclipse” in October is coming, this week will start with a warning: the “Mercury/Neptune opposition” will start, and the “Libra solar eclipse” will end. The situation is treacherous and changeable. During this period of “Libra month”, because Mercury, which symbolizes communication and coordination, also enters Libra, the atmosphere will be more Libra’s value emphasis: diplomatic consultation, communication and dialogue, courtesy and reciprocity, and seeking common ground in differences. It is a period of opportunity that is conducive to striving for peace and harmony.

1. September 25: “Mercury/Neptune opposition” (wishful thinking)

2. September 26: “Mercury/Pluto trine” (seeing the big picture from the small details); Mercury moves into Libra (seeking common ground in differences)

3. September 29: “Mars/Saturn trine” (easy solution)

4. September 30: “Mercury/Sun Conjunction” (Time-dependent Change)

5. October 2: “Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra” (Relationship Adjustment)

The three main themes of the three constellations this week are: the two positive “Mars Effect” and “Mercury Effect”. In terms of the meaning of astrological symbols, both mean that action and initiative are the key to escaping from difficulties and winning. Only by taking the initiative and getting there first can you avoid missing the opportunity and being controlled by others.

It is worth noting that the “Libra solar annular eclipse” will occur on October 2. The impact of the solar and lunar eclipse cycle usually extends to two weeks before and after, so September 3 to October 16 are all in the solar and lunar eclipse warning zone. The September lunar eclipse period is full of disasters, and entering the October solar eclipse season, the sense of doomsday has slightly eased, but as the biggest lucky star Jupiter is about to start retrograde on October 9 (until the end of the year), this month may not be peaceful.

In terms of finance, the fortune star guards Scorpio this week, and the positive and negative effects are balanced. The “solar eclipse effect” symbolizing financial shocks and political changes is gradually gaining strength. The market may be hit by another short-term storm again. Market sentiment under Scorpio usually tends to be extreme, with a bit of destruction and rebirth. Investors should pay attention to risk control and be prudent.

As for individual constellations, the annual astrological warnings have slowed down and the frequency has also dropped significantly this week, which is a little comforting compared to last week. The strongest fortune star falls on Scorpio. Venus sits in the life palace, full of positive energy, creating a smooth and happy personal relationship, money and emotional management. Recently, there have been breakthroughs in work development, and the results have been both applauded and popular.

Leo ranks second. Following closely behind the super auspicious omen is the “solar eclipse” in early October. There will be great joy coming, and there will also be a super life test, which will have a great impact on personal reputation. There will be a turnaround after the difficulties; the third luck belongs to Virgo. The financial palace has made a lot of gains, and good things have continued along the way. There are pioneering achievements such as becoming a leader or opening up new territories.

This week, the number of bad luck stars has decreased sharply, and the positive and negative impacts have roughly offset each other, but it has not yet escaped the lunar/solar eclipse belt in the second half of the year. The constellations that are most sensitive to this wave of impact are: Gemini, Leo, Libra and Pisces. Important relationships in your life, such as parents and children, colleagues, family, pets, lovers or partners, will undergo major adjustments and aggregations.

Constellation Ranking

  1. Scorpio: Everything goes well, like a spring breeze, everything goes well, most good things happen
  2. Leo: Find a new way, change the world easily, let a hundred flowers bloom, the biggest change
  3. Virgo: The higher the moral, the more you return, the more you will be rewarded, the more you gain and lose.
  4. Gemini: Full of confidence, crazy about creating gods, invincible, and the most powerful

Love luck: ★★★★ Money luck: ★★★☆ Career luck: ★★★ (★★★★★ is full score, ☆ is half a star)

Updated |2024.09.25 15:59 Taipei Time

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