Gothenburg: Fire in apartment building

Gothenburg: Fire in apartment building

Homes were evacuated

Published 2024-09-25 15.41



A fire raged in an apartment building in Hisings Backa in Gothenburg on Wednesday.

The emergency services evacuated the entire building as well as parts of the house next door and a VMA was issued in the area. The residents are not allowed to return home during the night.

The police have launched a preliminary investigation into arson.

The alarm came in at 15:12 on Wednesday afternoon.

According to the emergency services, the fire started in an apartment and was able to spread via a balcony both to other balconies and up to the attic in the three-story building.

Shortly after 4 p.m., the emergency services stated that the fire was going on in several apartments.

– It is a fully developed fire and there is a continuing risk of spread in the roof, says commanding officer Johan Eklund.


full screen VMA issued. Photo: Linus Olsson

Race in the stairwell

The emergency services and the police have evacuated all 36 apartments in the building and also some apartments in the house next door. The affected people are offered support from the municipality and property owners.

– We see that we will have difficulty putting out the fire in the attic, we will let it burn down under controlled conditions. We have a continued risk of spreading to the apartments under the attic and to the apartment building next door, says Patrik Midenborn, press spokesperson at the rescue service.

He stated that 70 percent of the wind had then burned down. There has also been a minor collapse in the stairwell.

– We have sent an extensive resource and have all possible types of vehicles on site – both rescue units, tankers and command vehicles. Ambulance and police are also on site.

There are no reports of any injured people.

VMA was issued

At 5 p.m., a VMA was issued in the area, which could later be lifted.

– The rescue leader urges everyone in the vicinity to go indoors and close doors, windows and ventilation to avoid inhaling fire smoke, said Hans-Jörgen Ostler, police spokesperson.

The police have launched a preliminary investigation into arson.

At around 8 p.m., the emergency services stated that the fire had decreased in intensity, but that they were still working to prevent it from spreading from the attic. A few more hours later, the fire was almost completely extinguished.

– The roof has burned off on the property. We don’t know how many of the apartments are affected yet, but none of the residents will be able to return there tonight, says alarm and line operator Joakim Hallin.

The fire service remains at the scene throughout the night to monitor the fire.

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fullscreen chevron-rightnext Residents have been evacuated due to the fire.

1 / 2Photo: Adam Ihse/TT



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