Mars: clay surface may contain its ancient atmosphere

Most of the ancient atmosphere of Mars could be trapped in the planet’s clay crust, according to a study released on Wednesday in the journal Science Advances.

There is increasing scientific evidence that Mars was not always the cold desert it is today; it once had water on its surface and, correspondingly, a dense atmosphere that prevented the water from freezing.

About 3.5 billion years ago, the water on the surface of the “red planet” evaporated, and its atmosphere, rich in carbon dioxide, was significantly reduced, leaving only a thin layer that clings to the planet today.

Now, a study led by geologists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) proposes a solid explanation for how gases from that atmosphere may have been trapped within the planet’s clay crust.

The researchers suggest that while there was water on Mars, the liquid could have permeated certain types of rock, initiating a slow chain of reactions that gradually extracted carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converted it into methane, which could then become trapped in the planet’s clay surface.

Process Similar to Other Regions on Earth

The team reached this conclusion by utilizing existing knowledge about rock and gas interactions on Earth.

They found that the estimated amount of clay covering the surface of Mars could retain up to 1.7 bars of carbon dioxide, equivalent to about 80% of the planet’s original atmosphere.

“Based on our findings on Earth, we have observed that similar processes occurred on Mars, where large quantities of atmospheric CO2 were transformed into methane and sequestered in the clays on the planet’s surface,” said Oliver Jagoutz, one of the authors and a geologist at MIT. (EFE)

Researchers believe this stored carbon could eventually be recovered and transformed into a power source for future missions between Mars and Earth.


Jagoutz’s team at MIT has been investigating the geological processes and interactions within the Earth’s lithosphere, which encompasses the crust and upper mantle, where tectonic plates reside.

A few years ago, they discovered a type of surface clay mineral in the lithosphere called smectite, which acts as an exceptionally effective trap for capturing carbon: within a single grain of smectite, there are numerous folds where carbon can remain unchanged for billions of years.

Later, they found that the surface of Mars is similarly covered by smectite clays.

On Earth, smectite forms as a result of the movement and uplift of continental plates, bringing rocks from the mantle to the surface, but such tectonic activity does not occur on Mars.

MIT geologists have noted that the explanation for Mars is that the 1,100-meter-deep layer of smectite could store vast amounts of methane, likely equivalent to most of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere believed to have vanished when the planet dried up.

“Estimates of global clay volumes on Mars align with a significant portion of the Red Planet’s initial CO2 being sequestered as organic compounds within the clay crust. Therefore, the atmosphere that is missing from Mars ‘could be hiding in plain sight’,” said another author, Joshua Murray, also a geologist at MIT.

(With information from EFE)

The Hidden Atmosphere of Mars: Uncovering the Secrets Trapped in Clay

According to a recent study published in the journal Science Advances, most of the ancient atmosphere of Mars could be locked away in the planet’s clay crust. This groundbreaking research sheds light on the geological processes that may have transformed the Martian landscape and provides new insights into the history of water and carbon dioxide on the red planet.

The History of Mars: A Water-Rich Planet

Scientific evidence suggests that Mars was once a vibrant world with conditions suitable for liquid water on its surface. It had a dense atmosphere that prevented water from freezing, allowing for a more temperate environment. Approximately 3.5 billion years ago, however, the situation changed drastically when the water dried up, and the atmosphere, rich in carbon dioxide, thinned significantly, leaving only a faint veil of gases that surrounds Martian soil today.

Research Insights: How Carbon Dioxide Became Trapped

The study, conducted by a team of geologists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), proposes a solid explanation for how traces of the planet’s original atmosphere may have become trapped within its clay beds. Their findings indicate that when water was present on Mars, it could have reacted with specific types of rocks, leading to a natural process that trapped carbon dioxide in the form of methane within the clay structure.

Interactions Between Water and Rock

The researchers applied existing knowledge about terrestrial geological processes to infer how similar reactions may have occurred on Mars. They postulate that clay—which is abundantly spread across the surface of the Martian landscape—has the capacity to sequester a significant portion of carbon dioxide. The estimated values suggest that the clay could retain as much as 1.7 bars of carbon dioxide, which is approximately 80% of the planet’s initial atmosphere.

Significance of Smectite Clays

One vital aspect of the research is the discovery of a type of clay mineral called smectite. Found both on Earth and Mars, smectite is known to be a robust trap for carbon. It consists of a structure that allows it to hold carbon for billions of years, creating ideal conditions for the sequestration of greenhouse gases.

Comparison of Earth and Mars Geological Processes

On Earth, the presence of smectite is largely attributed to tectonic activity, as continental plates shift and expose mantle rocks. However, Mars lacks this tectonic behavior, leading MIT geologists to deduce that the smectite clays simply occurred due to different geological processes unique to the Martian environment.

Estimating Carbon Storage on Mars

MIT’s team estimates that the sprawling layer of smectite, which stretches up to 1,100 meters deep in some areas, could contain methane equivalent to the majority of the carbon dioxide believed to have dissipated from the atmosphere when Mars transitioned to its arid state. The finding proposes that the missing atmosphere could indeed be hiding in plain sight within the clay crust, providing both a missing link in understanding the planet’s history and potential for future scientific exploration.

Future Implications: Resource Recovery

The implications of this research extend beyond geological curiosity. The sequestered carbon may be recovered and utilized as a potential power source for future missions between Mars and Earth. If technology permits us to efficiently extract the trapped gases, they could serve as vital resources for colonizing and sustaining human presence on the red planet.

Practical Tips and Future Research Directions

As interest in Martian exploration grows, several strategies could enhance our understanding and potential recovery of Martian resources:

  • Enhanced Exploration: Continued missions to Mars, including rover explorations, can help identify clay-rich regions.
  • Advanced Analysis: Incorporating advanced technologies for analyzing Martian soil compositions will allow for a better understanding of how trapped gases can be extracted.
  • Collaborative Research: Partnerships between space agencies can help coordinate missions targeting the study of Mars’ geological features.

Case Studies: Lessons From Earth

Region Geological Feature Findings
New Zealand Smectite Clays High carbon sequestration capacity
Arizona, USA Clay Deposits Evidence of past water interaction
Himalayas Active Tectonics Formation of smectite due to tectonic activity

First-Hand Experience: Insights From MIT Researchers

Oliver Jagoutz, a prominent geologist involved with the research, noted: “Based on our findings on Earth, we have seen that in Mars, similar processes occurred, and large quantities of atmospheric CO2 were transformed into methane and sequestered in the clays on the planet’s surface.” Joshua Murray echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the significance of the clays: “The atmosphere missing from Mars could be hiding in plain sight.”



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