Aquarius, it looks like you’re in favor… financial solutions are skyrocketing to untie your hands

Today, we have the trine of Mercury, which is in Virgo with Uranus in Taurus, so the day holds several positive surprises, unexpected news and meetings and unexpected occurrences, which in general will make us happy.

In fact, things can happen that we neither expected nor thought possible, while decisions of the moment and changes in our daily schedule are more than possible, but most of them will be for the good. Ideas and original solutions will unblock us while it is possible to learn something that will help us get out of a possible impasse.


With the trine of Mercury in your 6th with Uranus in your 2nd, you will be able to find ways and solutions to handle all your tasks smartly, quickly and practically. You will receive unexpected pleasant news about your finances which are likely to increase and your self-confidence will rise. Smart and quick thinking in the event that, in parallel with your work, you want to start something new and innovative in order to increase your finances and find new sources of income. In general, you will deal more with practical affairs than with emotional ones, where you will probably have the tendency to give more freedoms and choices to your partner.


The favorable trine between Mercury in your 5th and Uranus in your 1st, pushes you to start a new hobby, to be more involved in IT and anything related to computers, but also to change your schedule easily so that you can find time to work with more creative things for you. In the love field, you will charm the other sex with your clever quips, you will be perceptive and you will easily win impressions with your high intelligence. If you like someone and hesitated to express yourself, change your tactics in order to attract their interest. You seem intelligent, innovative and open to any kind of relationship and if you are committed, you will pleasantly surprise your partner.


With the trine of Mercury in your 4th with Uranus in your 12th, you will learn some secrets from your family by chance or vice versa, that is, they will reveal secrets that they did not know about you and you will get out of the difficult position of talking to them. It is an opportunity to release yourself from burdens of the past that weigh you down psychologically. For a property you will have excellent ideas, which will help you solve your problems. In general, you can deal with the renovation of your space, in order to make it more functional and practical. You will be quite insightful and at the same time intuitive, while the day offers itself in general to express even your innermost thoughts.


With Mercury in your 3rd trine to Uranus from the 11th, you will be admired for your oratory and the way you handle difficult situations. If there are issues that need to be resolved with relatives and siblings or even in your neighborhood, you will be the person who will find the most eccentric and constructive solution for everyone. In general, you will have an appeal in any kind of computational study, you will be insightful, you will have smart and original ideas and thoughts, while in general you will surprise with your perceptions. Good day to buy a computer, programs and IT knowledge that will help you to advance professionally.


With the trine Mercury in your 2nd and Uranus in your 10th, you will be given the opportunity to ask for an increase in your salary and with such correct and intelligent arguments that you will make others really think about it. Even if your finances are not directly affected, you will manage to stabilize your position through original and eccentric ideas that you will have and indirectly and in the long term you will be financially favored. If you are a freelancer, you will have quite successful trades and transactions as well as unexpected meetings with clients. A good day for purchases that will help you on a practical and professional level while, in general, there will be surprises during the day.


With Mercury in your 1st forming a trine with Uranus from your 9th, discussions on anything and everything will be your great asset, in order to express your opinions which, for today at least, are very different from other times. Your intelligence “hits” red, you find smart solutions for everything and in general you will have quite liberal ideas that prove how far ahead you can think and perceive some things, especially if you are a student. Unexpected meetings with close relatives, people from abroad and people from the spirit realm are some of the possible scenarios of the day.


With Mercury in your 12th trine Uranus in your 8th today you will be heading down more inner and occult paths. You may want to engage in metaphysics as well as some innovative relaxation therapies in order to calm down and free yourself from unpleasant thoughts or feelings. You may even be freed from prejudices, taboos, obsessions and negative emotions that weigh you down psychologically and feel freedom and spiritual upliftment. On a practical level, it is possible that changes will occur on a financial level and solutions that you had not even imagined will be found in order to get rid of debts, loans, etc. On an emotional level, any scenarios and phobias, dare to express them to your loved one .


With the trine between Mercury in your 11th and Uranus in your 7th, your ambitions and goals will know no bounds. You will “download incredible ideas and be able to communicate with many people and broadcast on many wavelengths. Whatever unexpected comes up you will deal with it masterfully and even if you didn’t plan it, you will meet friends and people who share the same dreams. A chance meeting may turn into a long-term partnership that helps you develop and realize many of your goals. On an emotional level, it is possible to discover the romantic interest of someone from your company and be pleasantly surprised, while most of it will be said through witticisms that will give and take on both sides.


With Mercury trine your 10th with Uranus in your 6th, today you will focus on your professional interests and plans. You can improve your resume, make new openings and generally expand your professional activities through successful changes and eccentric and original ideas, besides, you will be in the mood to deal with things related to your social interests. If you are unemployed, maybe you should turn to a more free profession that will not pressure you, since you are a person who appreciates the concept of freedom. If you are engaged, it is possible that you and your loved one will attend a socio-professional meeting today.


With Mercury trine your 9th with Uranus in your 5th, you’ll want to expand your knowledge, making sure you have a pretty creative day. You will gather information and have pleasant news from someone who is abroad, possibly from a child who is studying, from relatives or your romantic partner if there is a trip, while in general you can develop relationships with people of a different culture and nationality. In any case, you will have insight, you will see far ahead and if you have to settle legal pendings, the solutions will be found almost sky-high. Emotionally, you will be attracted to people who are very different from you, possibly from another country, or people who will charm you at first sight.


With Mercury trine your 8th with Uranus in your 4th, you will make some changes in your home. You may move, change furniture and layout or paint and generally renovate your space. It seems that you are favored by an inheritance, a donation, a property from your family, etc., while solutions to financial affairs come from the sky to untie your hands. On a more emotional and personal level, you will have the opportunity to discuss topics that are considered taboo and express your thoughts freely. See it as an opportunity, if you are facing sexual problems with your loved one, to solve them, since the ground will be suitable.


With the trine of Mercury in your 7th with Uranus in your 3rd, you will be sociable, communicative, cheerful and more objective, so if you have to choose a lawyer, psychologist, realtor, doctor, etc. make sure that you do it today when you will have increased insight. In general, random meetings and acquaintances will occur in unusual ways and if you are a freelancer you will have successful commercial deals and transactions. Increased travel, possibly unexpected, business trips and why not the purchase of a vehicle. In the emotional sector, new acquaintances and pleasant conversations will arise since you will appear informed about everything. If you are committed, you can share thoughts and ideas with your loved one in order to change some things between you.


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#Aquarius #youre #favor.. #financial #solutions #skyrocketing #untie #hands



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