I have taken care of every detail regarding violating the Constitutional and Legal norms that govern my performance as Rector of the CNE, foundations of Ethical Principles make me remain unscathed NOT TO GET INVOLVED in references of Politics itself, if it can be called that. Of course I am not outside the quality, responsibility and Citizen rights and in particular defend against any act that attempts to undermine or injure the integrity of the Venezuelan soil perfectly defined in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, that is to say against the Citizenship in general. Nor do I support any act that has become fashionable with a sense of abuse, many of which have served to shepherd exclusively personal and economic interests. Thus I made a Campaign in defense of the territorial right in the framework of the Consultative Referendum of the Esequivo. The Elections of July 28 took place to designate the Constitutional President of the Republic of Venezuela. VENEZUELAnot from Spain, not from the European Union, nor from any other. This year, nearly 120 Presidents and Legislators will be elected in free elections, with a participation of nearly 4.2 billion voters. Each country deserves respect for its sovereignty and citizen will; otherwise, they themselves will resolve the particular issues that arise. The acts of SANCTIONS against the Republic and now the interventionist reasons are being put on the scene, arrogating rights and foundations that violate the Inter-American Charter of Human Rights and the Charter of the United Nations signed in the city of San Francisco on June 26, 1945, which establishes as one of its purposes the “Promoting friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and the self-determination of peoples and taking other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace” Art. 13.


In order to carry out their actions, the United Nations Organization and its members must proceed in attention to certain principles, one of them always being relevant to the subject of the PRINCIPLE OF NON-INHERENCE, which states: “No provision of this Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters that are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of States, nor shall it oblige Members to submit such matters to settlement procedures in accordance with this Charter…” Art 2.7. We have observed the tenacity of some political factors and others with immense economic and fiscal interests to act against the institutions of the Venezuelan state in an excessive interest that at the time the search and participation of an internal solution through regular channels was not appreciated and where the rights of Organizations for Political Purposes (OFP) to due process in the face of an electoral circumstance governed by the National Electoral Council and within the scope of the highest Court of the Republic were not violated. Our Constitution defines the actions against the Republic and the seriousness of the actions of those who carry them out personally or through intermediaries and means. I deeply regret that there is an attempt without merit to undermine and promote AGGRESSION against the Republic and its Citizens. WE ARE NOT DEAF, DEAF OR BLIND. (TO BE CONTINUED)

2024-09-25 20:45:51



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