AMLO returns Mexico to the political caciquism of past centuries

AMLO returns Mexico to the political caciquism of past centuries

In his new analysis “The Mexican State dominated by illegality and impunity”he Observatory of Catholic Citizenship and Social Analysis of the National Council of Laity (CNL) questioned the reform of the judiciary of the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

The text indicates that the current situation in the country is similar to the political caciquism of the 19th century.

With “its characteristic seal inherited from the Colonial Era and which consists of the existence of a political power of personal domination that can impose its will above laws and institutions.”

In the report of the Political Academic Seminarshared by CNLanalyze the answer to three central questions about the reforms of AMLO in this scenario of political caciquism:

  • Why the rush to finish imposing the so-called ‘Plan C’?
  • What are the hidden intentions behind this sloppy and rushed operation?
  • Which social actors gain from the result of all this chaos?

Political class controls the State thanks to AMLO: CNL

The CNL text warned that the new political hegemony has dominated the Mexican State, violating the advances made in Mexico since 1994 to date, such as:

  • Free and democratic elections
  • True division and balance of powers
  • Genuine Rule of Law, achieved by the creation of autonomous bodies

Now, the new ruling political class “is linked to the open commission of federal public order crimes, as well as the structural configuration of alliances with organized crime to obtain and maintain political power.”

The CNL mentioned alleged electoral crimes such as AMLO’s imposition of Claudia Sheinbaum, presidential candidate of a party he founded, as well as an electoral campaign full of illegalities to support her.

During this period of illegal campaigns, AMLO’s other “bottle caps” also participated, such as Marcelo Ebrard y Adam Augusto Lopez“who began a series of tours and events in open violation of electoral laws.”

Other electoral violations included the alleged use of public resources to finance the “bottle cap” campaigns.

Despite the illegality, impunity prevailed.

“That is the essence of political caciquism in Mexico, still existing to this day: ‘My word is the law.’”

Judicial reform, a revenge

The National Council of Laity mainly demanded reform of the Judiciarywhose approval was marked by irregularities and other controversies, as well as warnings that it would weaken the rule of law.

“The destruction of the judiciary […] “It constitutes ‘political revenge’ by the president,” they claim.

“The dissolution of the current Judicial Branch of the Federation has the objective and political purpose of granting, in a guaranteed manner, protection and impunity to all those politicians linked to drug trafficking, starting with Obrador himself and the leader of the MORENA party, Mario Delgado,” he warned.

You can read the full document here:

READ ALSO: Claudia Sheinbaum’s six-year term: will it be a replica of Obradorism or a real change?: CNL

#AMLO #returns #Mexico #political #caciquism #centuries
2024-09-25 18:56:10



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