What happened to the Tesla that caught fire?

But what caused the fire? Did the car or the charger catch fire? And why? How does one safely put out such a fire in a vehicle that is essentially a source of electricity? Experts answer and explain.

Similar incidents are not rare, there are countless videos on the internet.

In other cases the media will say that the battery exploded after an accident. Locals will say that the car burst into flames after it veered off the road.

And if it flares up? Then if you are lucky, as in the Tesla of Agia Paraskevi, the fire goes out relatively easily. But there is the other case, when firefighters needed 190,000 liters of water to put out a Tesla battery burning at 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

It was a Tesla Semi truck, and we all understand what that huge water consumption would mean if the fire broke out in a parking lot full of electric cars.

What the Tesla owner reported

The owner of the Tesla spoke to Live News, who said that he is awaiting the conclusion of the Fire Department. Among other things, he told MEGA that he saw from the cameras that for at least an hour there was a man with a strange behavior near his vehicle.

“The car’s camera has recorded a person sitting for more than an hour near the car, working on it and trying to disconnect the cables. From the information we have so far it does not appear to be a battery fault. There would be explosions. The cameras have not recorded where the fire started. I don’t know if he set the fire under the car or if he shorted something when he tried to disconnect the charging cables.”

“These cables have some fuses and it is difficult for someone who doesn’t know to disconnect them. In the video it appears to be exerting a lot of pressure and force on the vehicle. But the conclusion is still not out. He was close to 30, maybe he had been drinking, he was acting strange. I had the car for 2 months, it was new, it had no problems. Now the destruction is total, I cannot repair it.’

“When the car caught fire nobody knew what to do with it. They did not know how and where the vehicle should be transported. When such a vehicle is on fire it is dangerous to the public. No one was telling us where to transfer it and no one was taking responsibility.”

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