Charcot’s disease. Loïc Résibois requests deep sedation: “I don’t want to suffer anymore”

Assisted suicide activist, former Amiens police officer Loïc Résibois calls for deep sedation. Suffering from Charcot’s disease for several years, his condition has deteriorated significantly in recent months. Published: September 23, 2024 at 9:59 p.m. Reading time: 1 min

«Everything costs me an abysmal effort.“Charcot’s disease is gaining more and more ground every day in Loïc Résibois’ body and heart. This former Amiens police officeraffected by this degenerative disease for several years, campaigns for assisted suicide, particularly on social networks.

“From tomorrow”

France 2 devoted a long-form report to him in its 8 p.m. news on Monday, September 23, 2024. We learned that Mr. Résibois’ situation has deteriorated significantly in recent months.I’m not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of suffering” he said painfully, a little more trapped in his body every day.

Also read: What is deep sedation, which Loïc Résibois received before dying?

Loïc Résibois, we learned, requested deep sedation – “from tomorrow“, claims France 2 on September 23 – the only legal solution in France to date. In this case, Mr. Résibois would be placed in a deep sleep until his heart stops beating. Which could last a long time.

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In 2023, Mr. Résibois already expressed very clearly the way in which he wanted to leave. Questioned by the Picardy Mailhe explained: “I have a place in my heart which is the island of Ré. I would like to die with dignity there, but today France does not allow me to do so. “Leaving” for Switzerland or Belgium would make no sense to me.. »

Also read: Suffering from Charcot’s disease, Loïc Résibois died on the Isle of Ré

Loïc Résibois died on Tuesday September 24, 2024 on the Isle of Ré at the age of 47.



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