“There will be a surprise in October to derail Harris” –

“There will be a surprise in October, to derail Kamala Harris’s race for the White House. I don’t know what it is, but it will be huge, and we must be ready for it.” With these strong words, Hillary Clinton dropped a real bombshell on the US presidential elections. She said this during the meeting with journalists on the sidelines of the Clinton Global Initiative, the event organized by her husband Bill’s foundation during the UN General Assembly. According to the former Secretary of State, in short, something weighty will soon influence the race for the White House of the Dem, who will challenge Republican Donald Trump in the presidential elections in November.

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Then Hillary Clinton moved on to talk about the media: “They are under attack all over the world, with unprecedented vehemence”. Especially in the US, however, the situation must be kept under control: “Donald Trump has called them the enemies of the people. He only speaks to those who support him, and they have given up any semblance of objectivity. The others are all adversaries to be attacked”. Then she went on to attack the tycoon: “He has clearly announced that he intends to overthrow our system, so the elections of November 5 really represent an existential threat to America”.

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The former secretary of state then returned to the previously announced twist and said that “there are countries that are very active in trying to influence our elections, like Russia, Iran and even China”. Her idea is that soon “maybe they will try to destroy Harris’ credibility, with lies. We know how the mechanism works. Someone spreads a false story on social media, like the one about me, that I was conducting child trafficking for pedophiles from the basement of a pizzeria in Washington. Conservative media like Fox TV picks it up, without doing any verification, and so the others are forced to report it too. At that point everyone hears it, even if it’s a lie”.

#surprise #October #derail #Harris #Tempo
2024-09-25 14:41:53



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