32% of IPS contributors are young people, according to an analysis by the Ministry of Labor

Asuncion, IP Agency.- On the occasion of Youth Day, which is celebrated this Saturday, September 21, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (Mtess) carried out an analysis of the data from the Social Security Institute to determine the participation of the youth sector in Social Security. The results reveal that of the 743,881 workers who contributed to the IPS until August of this year, 32%, or 236,155 people, are young people.

The data also show that, within the group of young contributors, 41% (equivalent to 96,500 people) are women, while 59% (representing 139,655 people) are men. This gender distribution highlights the need to continue promoting inclusion and equity in the labor market, the State portfolio reported.

Another relevant aspect of the report is the significant incidence of part-time employment among young people. It is observed that 45% of workers in this type of work belong to this age group. Of the young people who occupy part-time jobs, 72% are women and 28% are men, which shows the predominance of women in this type of employment.

These indicators show the impact of youth in the Paraguayan labour market, especially in sectors that opt ​​for part-time employment, which allows young people to balance work and studies or take on other responsibilities.

The General Directorate of Social Security of the Ministry of Social Security (MTESS) seeks to take advantage of the data provided by the Directorate of Employer-Employee Contributions of the IPS to conduct a detailed study on the characteristics of youth employment, with the aim of strengthening formalization opportunities and ensuring the permanence of young people in the formal labor market.

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2024-09-25 13:59:47



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