Sinafum proposes a roundtable discussion for salary recovery

The president of the National Union of Teachers’ Unity Force (Sinafum), Orlando Pérez, reported that they will present to the government proposals on the training of educational workers, salary recovery, social security and greater investment for the Ipasme.

«Regarding wages, we have said the need to recover real wages through a labour dialogue table“, he noted.

Working group for wage recovery

The Sinafum representative said that there are real possibilities at this roundtable to discuss wages, vacations, Christmas bonuses and improvements in the social wage, which includes issues such as housing, health, footwear, clothing, credits for white goods and brown goods.

The union has established contact with the Minister of Education, Héctor Rodríguez, and there will be spaces to address the issue of the collective agreement.

He said that the strategic alliances promoted by the Ministry of Education are aimed at strengthening the social security of workers.

wage recovery
Orlando Pérez from Sinafum advocates for salary recovery.

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#Sinafum #proposes #roundtable #discussion #salary #recovery
2024-09-25 13:49:45



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