50% discount on new life insurance for members | COIAA

He Official College of Agricultural Engineers of Andalusia (COIAA)thanks to the agreement signed with Forecast advancesall members and students linked to COIAA You can now access a life insurance with a Exclusive 50% discount on the usual rate, applicable to both engineers and their families.

This insurance offers complete and personalized coverage that includes, in addition to the main protection for death, options to insure permanent and absolute disability, as well as additional capital in the event of an accident or traffic accident. The maximum insurable capital reaches 900.000€and the policy can remain active until 75 years.

For added convenience, Forecast advances has developed a online calculator which allows engineers calculate the cost of insurancecompare with other insurers and find out the final price adjusted to your specific needs. For example, a 45-year-old engineer without dangerous activity can insure a capital of €150,000 for only €20.77 per month.

Why choose Avanza Vida Insurance?

This insurance provides the necessary financial support to protect your family against any unforeseen event, providing the tranquillity knowing that their needs will be covered. With flexible and customized coverage, this product is an excellent option for professionals in the agri-food sector.

Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to secure your future and that of your family, with the support of a leading and trusted insurance company like Forecast advancesbelonging to the Mutual Association of Lawyers Groupspecialized in products of foresight and savings adapted to the needs of engineers.


If you want to know more about this service, you can contact us by phone at: 910 605 696 or, via WhatsApp with Mamen García (607 805 385) or Tania Piñez (607 495 393). And, by email: comercial@avanzaprevision.com



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