Trump wants to “take jobs away” from other countries

“We’re going to take jobs away from other countries,” Trump said on Tuesday at a campaign rally in Savannah, Georgia. “I want German car companies to become American car companies.”

“We will take over their factories,” Trump continued. If he returns to the White House, he will also ensure that US companies such as General Electric and IBM, which have left the USA, “return to our shores full of remorse.”

“Lowest taxes”

He wants to achieve this by offering companies “the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burden and free access to the best and largest market in the world” – but on the condition that they produce in the USA. If they choose not to manufacture their products in the USA, they would have to pay high tariffs when importing them into the United States.

Once again, the real estate billionaire made derogatory comments and false claims about the energy transition in Germany. Under the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Germany decided to phase out energy production using fossil fuels. “Germany was in the process of destroying itself,” said Trump. Then Merkel was replaced “by someone else who is now building a new coal-fired power plant in Germany every week.”

Trump and Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris will face off in the US presidential election on November 5. The polls show them neck and neck.



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