Public health for the future of the country, the SItI Congress from 23 October in Palermo


September 25, 2024

The 57th National Congress of the Italian Society of Hygiene will be held in Palermo from 23 to 26 October 2024. Focus on innovation, prevention and institutional alliances to address the challenges of public health in the future

by Farmacista33 Editorial Staff

From 23 to 26 October 2024, at the Teatro Massimo – only for the opening day – and the University of Palermo, the 57th National Congress of the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI) entitled “Public Health for the future of the country: innovation, alliances and institutional synergies for prevention”. The scientific society announced this, underlining how the opening ceremony will take place at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, and will begin with the presentation of the Congress by the President of SItI Prof.ssa Roberta Siliquini and of the President of the 57th National Congress SItI Prof. Francis VitaleThe participation of the Minister of Health, Hon. Horace Schillaci and of the Minister of University and Research Sen. Anna Maria Bernini.

“During the National Congress in Palermo, all the issues of Hygiene and Public Health will be addressed – says Professor Roberta Siliquini, President of the Italian Society of Hygiene (SItI) – From those strictly Italian to those of global interest and which will give us the opportunity to question ourselves on the critical issues of the system and on how much, as Hygienists, we can do. There will also be an opportunity to ‘design’ a hygienic future, of full satisfaction, for the new generations and for all those young people, in training, who attend our Institutions and Institutes, both university and territorial”.

The first two “Confronti-Dibattiti” will follow. The first is entitled “Healthcare after Covid in Italy and in OECD countries: what opportunities and critical issues” – by the President of SItI Prof. Roberta Siliquini and Dr. Francesca Colombo (OECD) – and the second on “The challenge of AI and the ‘vision’ for health: potential applications in public health” – edited by Prof. Walter Ricciardi and Dr. Augustine SibilloThe first day ends with a meeting entitled “The Teatro Massimo, the art that reveals life” curated by Mark BettaSuperintendent and Artistic Director of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo.

“The Congress will bring together experts and professionals in the sector in order to share and discuss the most recent discoveries and skills in the field of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health – concludes Prof. Francesco Vitale, President of the 57th SItI National Congress – The event will be an important opportunity to explore the emerging challenges for our National Health Service, addressing all the issues related to prevention strategies, with particular reference to vaccinations and screening, as well as the new challenges of healthcare organization and management, highlighting the role of Public Health Operators in order to share innovative solutions to improve the quality of life and well-being of all”.


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