“I don’t care” – The Time

The most widespread feeling is that Beppe Grillo looks at the past with nostalgia and regrets the times when the leaders of the grillini were figures like Luigi Di Maio and Alessandro Di Battista. If, in fact, the founder of the 5 Star Movement would not like to question the symbol, elective mandates and above all the roles and competences of the Guarantor, the current leader and his establishment do not think the same way. This is why for weeks there has been talk of new episodes of the already nicknamed “star wars”. And while in the light of day the daily back-and-forth between the former prime minister and the comedian hold the stage in political debates, behind the scenes Dagospia caught Dibba while he was meeting Nina Monti, advisor-spokesperson of the Elevato.

Conte surprises Grillo on symbol, name and guarantor. And the M5S founder prepares the appeal

“I’m not interested in the internal issues of a party that I left three years ago for political reasons,” the former deputy said, immediately dampening the enthusiasm of those who believed in his possible return. “This is what I also said to Nina Monti, who kindly asked me for a meeting,” Dibba explained to Corriere della Sera when asked to clarify the reason for the meeting with Grillo’s right-hand man documented by the photos published on the website edited by Roberto D’Agostino. The face-to-face meeting, focused on the clash at the top of the 5 Star Movement, took place a couple of weeks ago in Rome, in the Ponte Milvio area, before the arrival of the Guarantor in the capital. The activists, as well as a portion of Conte’s supporters, are aiming to “recruit” Di Battista. But that’s not all. As the newspaper’s article recalls, the former deputy is also on good terms with Virginia Raggi, the former mayor of Rome who sided with the comedian.

#dont #care #Time
2024-09-25 09:56:59



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