Winemakers for a day: a bond that unites three generations

A Sunday in September turned into an exciting journey into the tradition, memory and work of the winemakers of the past. In Contrada Monteoliveto, among rows of grapes and autumnal scents, a special harvest day was held that involved three generations of the Vernazzaro family, led by the winemaker Gerardo Vernazzaro. Historic winemaker of the Cantine Astroni, Gerardo inherited his passion for wine from his grandfather Giovanni, a man who dedicated his life to the care of the vineyard and the production of wines that have conquered the palates of many people around the world.
The harvest, a crucial moment for viticulture, turned into a real family celebration. It was not just about picking the ripe grapes, but about passing on a tradition, teaching the younger ones the value of manual labor and respect for the land. Gerardo’s nephews, Nico and Peppe, jokingly nicknamed “best worker” for his dedication, were the undisputed protagonists of the day. Fascinated by the cutting of the grapes and intrigued by every phase of production, the children asked their uncle countless questions, demonstrating interest and a desire to learn the secrets of winemaking.
Guided by Gerardo’s wise experience, the young grape harvesters have discovered the charm of an ancient profession, which combines manual skills and passion. “Seeing my grandchildren so interested and curious fills me with hope for the future”, commented the satisfied winemaker, visibly moved. “It is important that they understand where we come from and what our roots are, so that they can pass them on in turn.”
But it wasn’t just the youngest who took part in this special day. Along with Gerardo, other members of the family also took part in the harvest: Piero Pavia, Rosaria Vernazzaro, Pina Orlando, Emanuela Russo and Domenico Vernazzaro, united by the desire to keep alive a tradition that has its roots in the past, but looks confidently to the future. The day also saw the participation of a dear family friend, Claudio Tenuta, who shared with them the work among the rows and the pleasure of a day in the open air.
Harvesting is not just an agricultural activity, but an experience that involves all the senses. The scent of freshly picked grapes, the warmth of the September sun, the sound of the scissors cutting the bunches and the laughter echoing through the vineyards made this family Sunday unforgettable. Under the expert guidance of Gerardo, who with his long experience has been able to make every phase of the process fascinating, young and old have been able to discover how much love and dedication are hidden behind a bottle of wine.
This special day has shown that the harvest, although a tiring job, is also an opportunity to meet and transmit values. For Gerardo, the real success is not only in the international recognition that his wines have obtained, but in the ability to keep the family tradition alive, passing on the passion for viticulture to the new generations.
The harvest, therefore, has become a moment of union, in which the past meets the present and is projected towards the future. A day in which the land, the wine and the family have intertwined, creating precious memories that, like a good wine, will improve with time.



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