Rapid developments in the coming days

It was on March 15, 2024 when the Appellate Investigator of Larissa appointed the NTUA Fuels and Lubricants Laboratory as an “arbitrator” between the disagreement of different investigators on the tragic accident in Tempi, as to the causes of the creation of the pyrosphere and the fire that followed. Today, 6 whole months later, it seems that we finally have developments and very important ones at that.

It should be recalled that in June 2023 the report of the appointed forensic experts on the Tempe accident cited silicone oils as the cause of the fire and pyrosphere, a version with which the report of the Fire Brigade issued a few days later agreed.

However, with this version, EDAPO, the five-member Commission of Investigation of Independent Expert Families, which was appointed by several victims’ families and began to independently investigate the case as early as the first days of March 2023, categorically disagreed with this version.

EDAPO was clearly positioned on this issue, both in the preliminary presentation of its findings at an event at ESIEA in April 2023, and in the second presentation and in the conclusion it submitted to the investigative authorities in July 2023.

In the following months, other technical reports emerged from various sources, some of which accepted the silicone oils version and some of which also expressed categorical opposition to this theory.

Tragedy in Tempe: What the NTUA report is expected to show

Thus, under the pressure of this dichotomy, the NTUA was considered the appropriate body to give an opinion and a deadline of 2 months was set to answer the questions raised by the Appellate Investigator. The NTUA was not asked to carry out sampling, tests or experiments, only a theoretical opinion was requested on the interpretation of the findings from the chemical analyzes of the State General Chemistry as well as on the possible causes of the creation of the pyrosphere.

It has not become clear the reason for the very long time delay, but the information coming from the court report says that we finally have “white smoke”. The NTUA technical report is ready and from day to day it is expected to be officially submitted to the Appellate Investigator in Larissa.

However, according to information, the NTUA’s answer will definitively clarify some issues, but it will not give the final and definitive answer that the investigation would like in order to close the file and proceed with the trial.

According to the same information, the version of silicone oils as the sole agent of the creation of the pyrosphere will be definitively rejected, and the finding of traces of xylene in the chemical analyzes will not be fully accepted as final evidence as a categorical explanation of the creation of the pyrosphere

If the above information and estimates are confirmed, this development will dramatically change the course of the case, since in essence it will confirm that the investigation by the state authorities and agencies so far has moved in the wrong direction, since the pyrosphere phenomenon as recorded in the videos, remains unexplained.

Of course, the next step is not easy, given that the domestic means have probably been exhausted, since in Greece there is no more specialized laboratory or other state or private body investigating such complex incidents of explosions and ignitions. It is recalled, however, that the conclusion of EODASAAM, the independent investigation body that started working a year late, is still working normally and will therefore contribute another answer to the question of investigating the causes of the creation of the pyrosphere.

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#Rapid #developments #coming #days



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