ND MP, Marios Salmas, to be deleted

The Prime Minister and President of New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in a letter to the President of the Ethics Committee of New Democracy, Ioannis Tragakis, refers to the committee the question of the deletion of a member of the Parliamentary Group of New Democracy, based on case b) of article 20 and article 21 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliamentary Group, the MP of Etoloakarnania, Mario Salma.

ND: Blue “guerrilla” for red loans, Salmas – Vlachos in “P”

What Marios Salmas had said about the Government and bad loans

The deputy of Etoloakarnania – pr. if. Minister Marios Salmas, speaking to the newspaper “Peloponnisos” he referred to the red loans and the reasons he participated in this parliamentary initiative, even if all this translates, in essence, into an exercise of intra-party opposition to the Government, with him being clear: “Yes, it is a strict criticism of Mr. Hatzidaki, however, is not an opposition. It is a joint decision, taken by a group that has – if one adds up – 200 years of parliamentary experience, while most of us also have government tenure. We agreed with shared concerns, as the issue tends to the impasse.

Red loans concern more than 2 million of our citizens, i.e. half of Greece. There are now complaints that the Bank is coming to take houses and not paying taxes. These have nothing to do with Social Liberalism, which we advocate. Of course, not all cases are the same. There are those who try to settle outstanding issues and some who are irresponsible. But in the first case, we are clearly talking about crows coming to take your house!

Mr. Salmas also recalled his earlier exhortations to Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis… “to see the many and not the few”, while “he would consider himself co-responsible if he voted for things that were not dictated by his conscience and above all by the world , who has been electing him for so many years”.

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#Marios #Salmas #deleted



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