Support for an ANTI-BULLFIGHTING activist tried on October 3, 2024 in Nîmes

Hello everyone,

For 21 years I have campaigned ardently against the public executions of bulls (bullfights) in Nîmes.

Years and years of activism: participation in anti-bullfighting rallies in several departments in the south of France. Organization of demonstrations, “happenings”, holding stands, distributing leaflets, various interventions, particularly in Nîmes neighborhoods where the bullfighting community skillfully tries to recruit young people, creation of various cyber actions, jumping in 3 arenas… and so on.

Over the years, I have come to understand that all this investment, exhausting oneself, constantly thinking about “what can we do to put an end to this barbarity unworthy of a so-called civilized country as quickly as possible?”… has led to nothing. I have understood that in this country, as long as we stay “in line”, we are made fun of, we are not heard, we remain invisible… to my great despair.

So, given that the bulls sacrificed, martyred, persecuted, tortured to death, remain my priority in this fight, I ended up making the choice to decide to take risks, despite my fears, my apprehensions, and the sleepless nights it cost me. Because at one point I asked myself the question: “what’s the point of continuing to invest and exhaust myself so much if it doesn’t lead to anything?”. But of course, the idea of ​​abandoning the bulls and letting this INJUSTICE continue was not bearable.

So there you go, I said to myself, “listen to your conscience above all, and see your fight through to the end, whatever the cost.”

And the bulls in all this? Well, the bulls continue to be sacrificed for NOTHING. Poor bulls who don’t even understand what’s happening to them in these damn arenas… All dead for NOTHING, hundreds of thousands of bulls dead for nothing. Poor horned beasts! I can’t stand to see your unfortunate backs with these tricolor sticks tearing your flesh, your unfortunate backs dripping with blood, these swords piercing your chest, these daggers twisting into your neck… in other words… your tortured flesh and souls.

Bullfighting is not a fatality, but just a stupid invention of “man”. It is neither an art nor a culture.

She breathes cruelty, cowardice, and cowardice and cruelty have no place in a so-called civilized country.

So here it is, for having disobeyed an INJUSTICE, I will appear before the Criminal Court of NÎMES on October 3, 2024, at 2 p.m.. and for the bulls, I will assume my disobedience, because it is quite simply JUST.


Nathalie Valentin.



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