The beneficiaries of the Special RES Fee have been posted

Him definitive list of household consumer benefits to which they are entitled refund to their accounts via the 1% fee which has been withheld from the wind farms for the production of 2020, DEDDIE posted on its relevant online application, as informed today by the Hellenic Scientific Association of Wind Energy (ELETAEN)

Anyone interested can use the link to select “Final List of Beneficiaries of the 1% RES Special Fee for the year 2020”, fill in the details of their provision and find out if they are entitled to a discount on their electricity bill. The posting of this information by DEDDIE was one of the last steps required for the actual crediting of the discount to the beneficiaries.

As the Union states, this discount is one of the benefits that wind farms offer to local communities. Specifically, according to the legislation, 3% of the turnover of the wind farms is automatically withheld and attributed on the one hand to the Municipalities for the execution of local projects and on the other hand to the residents of the villages hosting the wind farms. The total amount to be distributed is 10.7 million euros.

ELETAEN also congratulates the Ministry of the Interior, the DEDDIE and their relevant officials for completing this process. He acknowledges that various problems, such as indicative disputes about the boundaries of the settlements, objections, etc., have until today caused significant delays in the return to the citizens of the amounts that have already been withheld from the wind farms. Now most of these problems have been solved thanks to the diligence of the competent services and therefore ELETAEN expects that from now on the payment of money will be made regularly and without delays.

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