Senate approves proposal urging Petro government to recognize Edmundo González as president of Venezuela

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In line with a proposition which was approved last week by the House of Representatives, this Tuesday the Senate of the Republic did the same and gave the green light to an initiative in which the Gustavo Petro’s government recognizes Edmundo González as the “legitimate winner” of the presidential elections in Venezuela.

With 48 votes in favor, the approved proposal states that, given the elections that declared González the “undisputed winner”, the Executive, and in particular the President Gustavo Petro, must “recognize” publicly the true winners of said electoral process, who do not correspond to the current regime of Nicolás Maduro.

According to the document, it is public knowledge that the elections in Venezuela have been the subject of allegations of fraud, intimidation and repression of the opposition. “In light of this, it is imperative that the Government of Colombia take a clear and firm stance in favor of democracy aligning itself with countries that have already rejected the fraudulent results.”

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On the other hand, the Senate indicated that the recognition of the legitimate results is not only a sign of support for democracy in the region but also “a “action consistent” with the principles of Colombia’s foreign policy, committed to the defense of human rights and the rule of law.

“Therefore, we request the Government to recognize the figure of the legitimate winner of the presidential elections in Venezuela, Edmundo González, who represents the true will of the Venezuelan people,” the proposal states.

Last Monday, the plenary session of the House of Representatives approved a proposal in which they ask President Gustavo Petro to recognize Edmundo González’s victory as president-elect of Venezuela, while requesting that he reject the “electoral fraud” perpetrated by Nicolás Maduro.

The proposition states that “The lack of freedom and democracy in Venezuela” seriously affects the stability, security and development of Colombia.

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Therefore, insisting that the Camera cannot be indifferent “before the notorious electoral fraud perpetrated by the Nicolás Maduro regime,” the congressmen approved a request for Petro recognizes González for the presidential term between 2025 and 2031.

It is further indicated that Colombia “cannot remain silent” in the face of the systematic persecution to which opposition figures are being subjected in the neighboring country, both Maria Corina Machado as González himself.

“The House of Representatives categorically condemns the flagrant disregard of the will expressed at the polls and invites the President of the Republic, Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego, to recognize Edmundo González as the elected president of Venezuela,” the document says.

Along these lines, the Corporation rejected “in the most emphatic manner” the continuous and repeated violations of human rights committed by the Maduro government, “stands in solidarity with the numerous victims of repression and encourages the brave Venezuelan people in their unwavering struggle to recover freedom and democracy.”

Quoting the Simon Bolivar, the proposition concludes by pointing out that, as El Libertador says, “For us, our homeland is America,” that is why they insisted that they cannot stay. “silent while tyranny reigns in the cradle of continental freedom.”

Just this Tuesday, at the end of his speech before the United Nations General Assembly, Petro put off the political and electoral crisis in the neighboring country, and stated that we will have to wait until next November, when elected, next president of the United States to begin “building a way out.”

“There are factors that have to be decided at this time, the the very governance of the United States is subject to popular decision. We have to wait to see who will be the next president of the United States and with this new government, build a political solution for Venezuela’s problems,” said the president.

Along these lines, he said that This Wednesday he will meet with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, to assess the situation in the neighbouring country. “We will issue a joint statement. What I think is opening up a possibility at the right time. We have established an alliance in order to find a political solution to the Venezuelan problem, which is undoubtedly becoming increasingly difficult.”

According to the head of state, The idea is to build a peaceful political solution to the “problem of the division of Venezuelan society” and address the discussion on the legitimacy of the government and power. In that line, he described as “a complete failure” to bet on sanctions, blockades and border closures Colombian-Venezuelan, which –he said– ended up in the hands of the mafias. Added to this is the overwhelming migration that affected the country.

Read more: Nicolás Maduro intervened in Venezuelan ports with the intention of “cleansing” the country of corruption

Implications of Colombia’s Decision

The Colombian government’s recognition of Edmundo González as the legitimate president of Venezuela carries significant geopolitical ramifications. This action is seen as a move to distance Colombia from the current Venezuelan regime led by Nicolás Maduro and align more closely with international norms concerning the legitimacy of elections.

Geopolitical Context

Colombia’s foreign policy is heavily influenced by instability in Venezuela. Issues such as migration, security, and regional stability are at the forefront of diplomatic discussions. Recognizing González may bolster regional opposition movements and encourage democratic reforms in Venezuela.

Human Rights Considerations

Colombia’s Senate also emphasized the importance of human rights and democratic principles. The government’s stance against Maduro is indicative of a broader commitment to uphold these values amidst allegations of oppressive governance in Venezuela.

Potential Benefits of Recognition

  • Strengthened Diplomatic Relations: This could lead to closer ties with countries that share similar views on the Venezuelan crisis.
  • Support for Venezuelan Refugees: The recognition can create a more solid international framework for aiding Venezuelan migrants.
  • Encouragement for Democratic Movements: A symbolic gesture of support could inspire activists within Venezuela.

Challenges Ahead

  • Reaction from Maduro’s Regime: Acknowledging González might provoke retaliatory measures from Maduro’s government.
  • Domestic Political Opinion: The move may not be universally accepted within Colombia, causing divisions among political factions.
  • Economic Ramifications: Venezuela’s instability has direct impacts on Colombia’s economy, influencing trade and border relations.

Concluding Remarks

The Colombian Senate’s overwhelming support for recognizing Edmundo González as the legitimate president of Venezuela reflects a strategic shift in addressing the political crisis in the region. With ongoing discussions both nationally and internationally, Colombia’s actions will undoubtedly affect not only bilateral relations but also the broader Latin American political landscape.



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