Debate on trade union democracy law postponed at ruling party’s request

2024-09-25 00:31:00

After the government managed to reach a deal with the CGT to halt the union reform ruling, Labor Legislation Committee Representative Debate on trade union democracy law will be postponed for a week Because the ruling party is unwilling to open a new front with the union leadership, parliamentary sources reported.

The MP for La Libertad Avanza (LLA) last night asked for a postponement of the initiative, one of the hallmarks of the UCR as it decides to prioritize the privatization of Aerolineas Argentinas and the 2025 budget.

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In addition to this, they stated that the issue was discussed yesterday at the “Monday Dinner Table” shared by the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosas well as representatives from LLA, PRO and MID. To be precise, at the aforementioned meeting The meeting decided to support the government’s proposal to postpone the debate.

The reality is that without the LLA’s vote, There is no number of dialog boxes that can be advanced with legal rulings It aims to limit the indefinite re-election of unions, eliminate mandatory solidarity payments and establish a clean slate for union members.

The radical Martin Taitaz was the prime mover of the plan.

In this sense, the project has been driven by representatives to this day UCR, PRO, Citizens Alliance, LLA, We Drive Federal and Federal Innovationand rejected the Fatherland Alliance and the Left Front. In radicalism, they were assured of having 18 votes on the committee to express a majority opinion. However, the ruling party’s change took away 10 signatures (5 from the LLA and 5 from the PRO), so it will be in trouble as half plus one is needed to ratify the ruling.

To this end, the Chairman of the Labor Law Committee, Martin TaitazThe decision was made to postpone the meeting because the UCR did not want to lose that vote and did not want Kirchnerism to have a majority against union reform. “This is a tragic political event, They make those who really want change feel angry and want to abandon them.“, he said angrily.

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Sources close to the deputy said he would rather postpone the debate because He does not want to abandon the agreements reached with other dialogue groupsLike the PRO and Citizens Alliance, they said they hope the LLA will support the proposal within a week.

The executive branch’s decision responds directly to the CGT’s request Government dialogue unit, consisting of two people Guillermo Franco and Santiago Caputoas well as negotiations initiated by national representatives in Congress Sergio Palazzo (UxP), leader of the Banking Union and deputy chair of the Labor Legislation Committee, who has been speaking to some lawmakers to withdraw support for the project.

Trade Union Democracy Act tweets

“We believe the government will reconsider and reveal its true preference next week. You can’t slap Biro for this photo and then agree with the CGT honchos. You have to choose which side you’re on,” Taitaz said.

Meanwhile, representatives from the Citizens Alliance Monica Fried He warned that Javier Milai’s government “has links with the union mafia and some converts from the PRO, preventing today’s vote on opinions limiting union mandates and voluntary union fees.” “A grilled meat with potato salad is enough”he said sarcastically.

The lawmaker added via her X account (formerly Twitter) that they have been working in the National Assembly’s Labor Legislation Committee “to prevent union members from exploiting their positions for personal gain”. “I like that the government is so clear. He has connections to the mafia“, completely.

Trade Union Democracy Act tweets

For its part, the PRO Group rejected accusations of delays in processing the union democratization agreement and Underlined his support for the ideas to be discussed today Because “it incorporates many of the proposals put forward by our space and is a core part of our parliamentary agenda.” The Yellow Party said in a statement: “For months we have worked with different political forces to push for key reforms in the trade union sector. “

Among other things, he noted that the office’s proposals as agreed in the LLA and dialogue block “Cancel indefinite re-electionparticipation of minorities in governing bodies, compulsory oaths of leaders’ oaths, access to information for members, voluntary membership and elimination of solidarity fees.

“These recommendations reflect PRO’s commitment to modern and democratic trade unionismconsistent with the institutional and participatory values ​​that we have defended since its founding,” added the party founded by Mauricio Macri.

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The schedule seeking release was agreed upon based on 30 projects proposed by UCR, PRO, LLA, Encuentro Federal and the Citizens Alliance. himself Ban on forced discounts on solidarity donationswhich is one of the most objectionable views of unions because it affects the aggregation of these union organizations.

The initiative also states that “worker contributions shall not be mandated or imposed” and Any discount must have “explicit authorization from the worker”can be revoked at any time by telegram or any other reliable means of communication. Another key point is that it eliminates the possibility of indefinite re-election that currently exists and provides for one re-election.

These projects are made up of nipple; Roxana Reyes (University of California, Riverside); Monica Fried (cc); Louis Picart (University of California, Riverside); Soledad Carrizo (University of California, Riverside); Veronica Lazzini (Professional version); Maria Eugenia Vidal (Professional version); Fernando Iglesias (Professional version); Ricardo Lopez Murphy (EF), Rodrigo de Loredo (University of California, Riverside); Gerardo Hewson (LLA) and Gabriel Champitaz (Professional) etc.


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