“Avoid damage to the country’s economic system” –

Maurizio Casasco, deputy and head of the Economy department in Forza Italia, expressed himself on the topic of banks as follows: “The economy of a country requires that the issue of banks must be addressed with seriousness and responsibility, creating a harmonious system between the credit system, businesses and families and not generating an antagonistic system that would penalize the growth of the country. The credit system – continues the honorable – has its rules that it must respect, both national and international, it is supervised by the competent bodies, such as the Bank of Italy and the ECB. For this reason it is important, in addition to protecting our banks and promoting their capitalization, to make them attractive without penalizing them compared to international banks, so that they continue to support families and productive activities”.

“It is also worth remembering, in this regard, that many of them are listed on the stock exchange and any declaration relating to taxes on extra profits can determine – warns Casasco – a serious impact on the Piazza Affari index, as happened today on the Italian credit system, the only one ‘in the red’ in Europe”. “The penalization of listed banks can determine a cascade effect on the small Popular and Cooperative Credit banks, which support our SMEs, micro-enterprises and families, the backbone of the Italian economic system. Finally, let’s not forget that in October-November there will be the judgments of the Rating Agencies, which will carefully evaluate the relationship of interaction between the credit system and the economic system and which – the FI representative points out – will affect the economic growth of Italy”.

#Avoid #damage #countrys #economic #system #Tempo
2024-09-25 00:16:26



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