The case of the wolf-child and the gender drift that gets out of hand –

Francesca Albergotti

According to an authoritative report by the Telegraph, it seems quite common for children in schools in the United Kingdom to insist on being called and treated like animals. The report goes on to state that there are pupils who identify as horses, dogs and cats, there is even one who wants to “be recognised as a moon”. This should not be surprising, considering the traditional predilection of the British towards animals at the expense of children who, if possible, are sent to the infamous boarding schools as early as nine years old.
In short, you don’t have to be a child psychologist to understand that a neglected child might naturally seek attention from their parents by pretending to be one of their favorite animals, for example by licking their mother’s slippers to get a little cuddle, but curiously enough, the phenomenon has crossed the maritime borders of Great Britain to expand to the United States, Japan and Germany. It is an organization that meets in various clubs called “furry communities”, that is, with fur.

Madness woke, Cruciani goes crazy for the absurd story of the wolf-child

: The members number around one million eight hundred thousand in the world, and each of them has chosen a “fursona”, the alter ego of their human person. They include dog-men, who behave like puppies in all respects, asking for cuddles from their owners, eating from a bowl, even going as far as walking on all fours through the streets of the city, obviously on a leash, and there are subgroups such as the “age gender”, those who do not identify with their chronological age, like the father of 6 children who in Toronto found a family willing to adopt him and let him live with them as if he were a 7-year-old girl. What until some time ago (when I was little for example) was calmly considered a pathology and treated with appropriate practices is today legitimized by a series of “guidelines” that underline the importance of helping children to “overcome inequalities” and ensuring that they are listened to in “decisions that affect their lives”, with adequate support where deemed appropriate. This is the choice made by the Scottish Government with respect to the child who believes he is a wolf (not a Cub Scout, but a wolf of the same species that wanted to devour Little Red Riding Hood). They followed the “getting it right for children” principle, driven by the urgency to respect the “wellbeing wheel” and support the furry pupil regardless of the obstacles and challenges he will have to face.

In favor there are scholars who speak of “gender dysphoria”, even if other scholars deny any dysphoria and try to bring back to a correct use of reason on biological data. In short, in the era of the dictatorship of desires (you can be whatever you want) the exaltation of the self is causing an anthropological drift. The fact is that the woman who saw her son who identified himself as a cat rejected by a veterinarian who refused to examine him appealing to the scientific evidence of human anatomy not comparable to that of any animal was very upset. She denounced the unforgivable conduct of the professional by writing a heartfelt letter to the Daily Mail. Countless messages of solidarity followed from the community of the new wise men, those who fight for “rights”, whatever they are, however and always. That evening the lady, reassured by the solidarity shown to her, cooked a nice boiled lung for her cat son, her favorite. The mother of the wolf child in Scotland is instead eyeing a flock nearby, sooner or later she will be able to capture a lamb to offer it still alive to her son. He likes it like this, raw and throbbing.

#case #wolfchild #gender #drift #hand #Tempo
2024-09-25 00:12:26



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