After eight rounds: First coaching change in the OÖ League

After a disappointing start to the season with three points from eight games, Upper Austrian league team SPG Pregarten has reacted and, following a personal discussion with Dominik and Rainer Nimmervoll, has terminated its cooperation with immediate effect.

“A bitter moment for those responsible at the club, as the two managed to avoid relegation and set new standards in the club in terms of professionalism and humanity in dealing with players and officials. The entire SPG management team would like to thank them for their efforts and wishes them both all the best,” said a club statement.

Robert Lenz will take over the position of head coach until the end of the season. The 39-year-old German will be leading his first training session today, Tuesday. He will make his competitive debut for the Mühlviertler team next Friday against Dietach in the Kornspitz Arena.



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