When is the day of the big offers this year?

Black Friday is usually set on the fourth Friday of November, but always follows Thanksgiving Day in the US (11/28). Thus, this year Black Friday will “fall” on Friday, November 29.

However, in recent years, Black Friday takes the form of “Black Week”, i.e. it turns into a week of big sales.






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Black Friday 2024: What to look out for when shopping

The General Secretariat of Trade and Consumer Protection of the Ministry of Development and Investments, on the occasion of Black Friday, has created the “golden ten list” of consumers for this particular day.

-Beware of would-be scammers and fraudulent practices.
-Read the terms of use in online stores and ask about guarantees in physical stores.
-Be aware of impulse buying behavior before making a transaction.
-Beware of unknown or emerging online businesses.
-Beware of misleading offers.
-Exercise great care in providing sensitive personal information.
-Don’t be swayed by unusually low prices or offers.
-Offer coupons and giftcards.
-Check the security policy in online transactions.
– Agree on the delivery date of the product.

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